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By this time Obito has the 8 tails. You sit in the silent hideout with Zetsu and Itachi. You hold your stomach feeling another nausea wave hit you, you throw up in the nearest plant next to you earning Zetsus attention.

"Ugh.. gross."

"We can just throw that one out, f/n have you eaten?" Zetsu mentions food and you frown.

"I don't think I'm up for it."

Somethings going on with your body, you should eat.

You ignore Kira.

Zetsu approaches you. "If I may." He places his palm on your stomach and his eyes widen.

"Oh my.."

He looks at you with soft eyes.

"What? What's wrong?"

"N-nothing, it's just.. well your.. do you really not know?"

You frown "For crying out loud Zetsu! What is it.?"

"Your.. With child's."

Your jaw drops. "What do you mean I'm with child's?"

"Your pregnant, I sense two more beings beside your self. Twins."

You look at him like it's a joke only to put it all together. You place your hand over your stomach.

"That dream.."

"With how much you two do the do I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner." Itachi says looking at a magazine.

"I'm going to be a mother?! How do I tell Obito!! He's going to freak!"

Zetsu stayed close by you until Obito got home. He made sure you ate and even was there to hold your hair back as you threw up.

It was a weak later when Obito returned.

You sat him down.

"There's something I have to tell you."

"Okay? Why so serious?" Obito slides off his mask.

You take a seat on the bed.

"Obito I know the plans you made mean a lot to you and you don't like something unexpected to interfere..but.. well...I-I'm pregnant Obito."

Obitos eyes widen and he almost drops his white mask. You watch the color leave his complexion.

"A-Are you serious?"

You nod "Zetsu says he sensed twins.. are you mad?"

Obito kneels down taking you cheeks in his hands.

"No, I'm so happy! This just means I can't fail with Madaras plan."

Obito places a long kiss on your lips.

"T-This made my day."

You giggle.

Obito gently touches your stomach.

"Wait until you see the new world I'm gonna make."

A sudden wave of nausea hits you and you run to the bathroom. Obito is right behind you and to your surprise he holds your hair up as you throw up.

Once your through he hands you a wet rag.

"You need to take good care of yourself f/n."

You nod. "I know."

"I'm here for you as much as I can be."

You know he loves you but Madaras plan is getting in the way.

Cursed Child. A Obito x readerWhere stories live. Discover now