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It was as you suspected, your duty to protect the leaf played in your favor just as Obitos change of heart and  help defeating the enemy. It's the same concept as letting Sasuke Uchiha stay apart of the village.

"Obito the baby's are coming!!"

You had just started folding laundry when your water broke.

Obito gets up from the couch and runs to you. You had a plan when this happened but it's well and done forgotten at the moment.

"The baby stuff Obito!!"

Obito grabs the baby bag then his wife and heads out the front door. He carries you all the way to the hospital and your heavy so power to him.

Giving birth to two human beings was terrible but when they entered the world you felt immense happiness.

You look at your husband to see him bouncing your daughter lightly. You hold your son in your arms as he sleeps.

You can't believe how things turned out but your glad they did. For a cursed child your sure blessed.

Cursed Child. A Obito x readerWhere stories live. Discover now