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Today was the day, it's your turn to cook. You decided on Taco stew and you would need ingredients. You have hamburger meat, corn tomatoes, beans, tomato sauce, green chilies, onions and taco seasoning. You found some Tortillas so that's the final ingredient.

As you cook two familiar arms wrap their way around your waist.

"Honey I'm cooking."

Obito chuckles "When I see you like this I imagine us with a family and me coming home to a meal you cooked. It's a nice dream."

You frown "why does that have to be just a dream? It's within your grasp. We could do it you know.."

Obito slowly takes his hands from your waist.

"We live in a different world f/n."

You frown and turn to face him.

"I'm a creator of dementions, I create worlds Obito. I could create ours that's the kind of power I hold. We could have as many children as we want. Besides that it's still possible to have a life like that in the shinobi world."

Obito sighs.

"I want your baby's Obito, I want to raise a family with you but a life with just you is enough for me."

You look at him wondering his expression.

"You.. want my babies?"

You glare at him knowing he's teasing you.

"It's good to know.."

You sigh and turn back to you food.

"Do you really think we could create our own paradise? Could you do that?"

You stop stirring "We could but we don't have to as long as we have each other. Isn't that enough?"you continue stirring.

Obito watches you from behind. "If we could stop the wars and live happy lives in Madaras plan then we would have paradise. None of our loved ones would parish the way they did and there would be no more pain."

You clinch the laddle your stirring with.

"You can't honestly believe that.. Obito you have paradise right here! It's Me or is this still about Rin!?"

You feel your eyes sting and start to tear up.

"I thought you would understand, I was wrong." He spats the storms off.

You drop your laddel in the  pot and cover your mouth and let out a sob.

"It's never going to be enough.. Im never going to be enough!"

You let out another sob. Itachi walks in as you wipe your eyes.

"Everything ok?"

You nod "Dinners almost ready."

"It smells good."

"Thanks.. I'll bring it out in a moment."

Once your through you bring it out but make no contact what so ever with Obito. As people eat the hmm satisfied. Your happy to see them even go for seconds and thirds.

"Tobi it's your time to wash dishes." Deidara tells him.

"Tobi understands."

You put your things in the sink then take your leave to your room.

The fact that Obito can't let rins death go bothers you. Why hold on unless he's holding onto her? All this time he has said he loved you yet she still has a hold on him. It's as if you will never be enough and it hurts bad. You aren't Rin and you never will be you can't fill what part of he is missing. You only thought you were important enough to outrank her..

You have half the mind to walk away.. but you know you won't.

Cursed Child. A Obito x readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt