Chapter 18

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Y/N's pov:

When I got ready to go home, the girl waiting for me was still there.

I quickly jogged over her because I didn't wanna make her wait anymore.

"Hey Jimin." I greeted her.

"Hey there player." She greeted back with a knowing smile for the double meaning.

"How come you knew I'd be here?" I asked her curious.

"I was actually in the volunteering club, we were to clean around the stadium and I saw you, so I told the others that I wasn't feeling well and came here." She said with a smile while coming closer to me.

"Oh then you're lucky, I'm in the mood for sushi." I told her with a smirk.

"Taking me on a date?" She asked with the same smirk.

"Yeah, I'm feeling a bit talkative today." I replied and took her hand to go to my car.

"Lead the way."

We took off and visited my favourite sushi restaurant.

We had a bit of conversation about the volunteer club and how the football club knew me.

I actually made two new friends. Yujin and Rei were pretty good at making me feel comfortable and not making the atmosphere awkward.

Then Jimin suddenly asked. "What's your favorite song?"

"Um probably Dark Red by Steve Lacy, yours?"

"I love Sofia by She by Harry Styles." She replied and continued.

"Why do you like Dark Red? Isn't that for people in love?"

"It is but I think about Hanni whenever I hear this song. So I don't think in my case it's about being in love."

Then she forrowed her eyebrows and spoke. "Hanni is lucky."

"H-huh?" I asked confused.

"You love her so much. She's lucky to have someone like you in her life." She smiled softly.

I was happy that this side of mine got recognized but deep down I know that I don't deserve it.

I don't deserve having people who love me and appreciate me around. I know for a fact that if I had a chance to leave everyone behind I probably would.

After moments of silence she spoke again. "Y/n, can you take me home? I need to feed my dog. You can stay for a while. We can have a drink."

I smiled and nodded.

"Do you have a specific drink you want me to prepare?" She asked me behind the kitchen island where she had placed the drinks she had.

"I think you've got the ingredients to make 2 margaritas. One for each of us. What do you say?" I suggested and she nodded excitedly.

One margarita turned into 2, then 3 then more...

We ended up laying in the couch giggling for nothing.

"Y/n, come here, I wanna show you something." Jimin said and signalled me to go over the side of the couch she was laying.

When I was going there my head suddenly started spinning and I ended up falling on top of her.

"Well, I like you there too." She said and suddenly kissed me.

For a moment I kissed her back not really realizing what that was.

"Jimin I'm sorry, this feels so wrong." I said and got up.

"I'm sorry Y/n, fuck it's the drink." She said and started getting up too.

I'm gonna go, I need to sleep anyway.

But how the fuck am I gonna drive? I'm wasted.

I quickly called the person I knew was gonna pick me up.

"Hey dad..." I called Hanni's father.

"Y/n? Why do you sound like that?" He sounded rather concerned.

"I'm drunk... Can you pick me up? I can't drive. I'll need someone to pick up my car and drive me home."

"You're not gonna go home like that! You'll stay with us tonight. Also tell me the address, I'll pick you up." He said and I heard something like keys colliding on the other line.

"Uh I don't the address exactly." I scratched my not so itchy nape.

"Y/n... Then, turn on your location. I'm gonna come get you from there." He sighed at my stupidity.

I did turn on my location. Hanni's parents were the only people I trusted like that. I had given them my location in case something happened.

Dad stayed on call and then spoke. "Okay, I saw where you are, wait there. I'll be where you are in 15 minutes." Then he hung up.

As the time passed the drinks had started affecting me more and more. I felt more light-headed and happy.

I sat on the corner thinking about life like a hopeless puppy.

Then, a car stopped right in front of me. I moved my head to look up and I saw mom and dad coming to get me.

"Damn you Y/n,what did you get yourself in? You didn't do drugs did you?!?" Mom started scolding me.

"Chill woman, she's just drunk." Dad defended.

Then they helped me get up and dad got my car keys to drive my car to their house.

Then mom made me sit straight in the front sit next to her to have me supervised and she started driving off.

I was so frustrated with the sudden kiss I didn't even say goodbye to Jimin. I'm an asshole for real.

I tried to get my phone from the pocket of my bag pack to text her but mom then said "no phone Y/n, you're dizzy already. Don't do anything crazy."

After time passed and I was half asleep, but fully drunk.

I need to take notes, the margaritas are not like water, you don't drink them all in once.

Mom took a moment to look at me after parking the car.

"At least you're safe..." She sighed.

Then she opened the door and revealed the house. She helped me get out of the car and then we walked home, mom hanging my hand around her shoulder for support.

We got in the house where I saw dad with Hanni. She was wearing a cute set of pj's and a cute hairstyle.

"Here she comes..." She watched me coming closer to them.

"Hanni, we'll let you handle Y/n, give her a pair of pj's and you'll sleep in your bed. I don't have the energy to make the guest bedroom." Mom said and looked at me.

I knew she was tired, she was working today, even picking me up was more than enough.

I don't know if I'm even sober at all at this point.

"Y/n... Where the fuck were you?" Hanni whispered softly while caressing my cheek.

I was too drunk to talk so I just looked at her.

I just rolled over to her bed but before completely blacking out, I cupped her face and spoke.

"You look so pretty, even now. You make me question if I wanna be you or be with you."

She seemed like she couldn't reply so I just gave her a peck on the lips, like it was the most normal thing to do and closed the light on her nightstand.

"Goodnight PhamPham, I love you." I almost whispered.

"G-goodnight." She sounded nervous, but I couldn't know why, I couldn't even talk anymore. Her face wasn't visible either so she just dealt with it.

Autor: let's hope tomorrow she remembers.

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