Chapter 20

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Hanni's pov:

My dad decided to fetch me to uni since he'd be heading to work later.

Y/n took her car and we'd be meeting at the gate per usual

"Here we go... Be safe!" Dad reminded me and kissed my cheek before leaving.

Y/n was already there talking with Jimin? That's her right?

My blood started boiling when I heard the word "kiss" while going towards them.

"So you know I'm sorry for ki-" Jimin was saying before I went closer to them

"Uh I'm gonna go." She said immediately when she noticed my presence.

I quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her to the side.

"Do you know what you did yesterday?" I asked her with a glare.

"Woah easy there shortie." She replied with defensive voice.

"I- I remember Jimin kissed me and then I called your dad." She sounded nearly confused.

I don't buy that. Does she really wanna act like she doesn't know? I'm not letting that.

"I didn't do only that, did I?" She asked with a "oh shit" face.

"Why don't I show you what you did instead?" I asked with a small smirk.

"Wha-" I kissed her. I was just a peck but she was red.

"What happened Y/n? Got a better memory now?"

"Did I kiss you last night?" She asked shocked.

"Yeah, you did. Again." I replied and leaned to the tree.

"Look I'm sorry, it's not the first time, did anything change?" She asked while looking down.

"No... Nothing changed." I replied looking down too suddenly.

Why does it feel weird to kiss her again and then back to normal?

"Okay then... I'm going to my class." She said and awkwardly waved before running inside.

I touched my lip and nonchalantly licked my bottom one.

Her lips taste like cherry... I love it.

I went to my class and sat on the last desk. I didn't want my teacher to think I don't pay attention. I didn't, really but I wasn't ready for someone to notice.

Why did I do that?! Why did I kiss her? Do I have to be such an idiot at times like that?

Argh I can't deal with this right now.

After the class ended I wouldn't bring myself to see Y/n.

Just when I was about to wear my headphones and sleep for my break I felt a presence next to me.

"Are you mad at me? For the kiss?" I was sure it would be Y/n but wrong.

"Sullyoon... I don't have the energy for this." I said lowly and closed my eyes.

"No Hanni, we gotta talk." She said in a stern tone.

I sighed and sat up on my chair so she could say what she wanted.

"Fine, let's talk." I told her and signalled her to say something.

"I got the wrong idea okay? You kept leading me on since Chaewon's party but never did anything. Everything was some words. So I had to make my move and get some answers."

"Can I address this?" I asked before she could continue. She nodded.

"It's not that I didn't like you, or you treated me badly. The opposite actually, you were the first person I went on a date after a long time and I actually had fun." Then she gave me a hopeful look.

"Yeah... It looked like you had fun honestly. But you confuse me so much. Whenever we talk you always seem to be anywhere else but in the conversation." She made a remark.

"Look... Sullyoon, you're great. You really are. It's my fault. I'm catching feelings for someone while going out with someone else." I confessed.

"Catching feelings for someone?" She questioned.

Shit, now do I need to explain? Do I need to explain that I'm starting to find Y/n prettier and prettier every day?

"Not exactly that but... My mind goes to someone else. I'm sorry." I tried to avoid eye contact.

"It's Y/n... Isn't it?" She looked at me.

"It's just someone." I tried to avoid the topic.

Then she sat up and went away without saying anything else.

I feel bad, she doesn't deserve this. But she's right. It is Y/n. That's what makes it worse.

Y/N's pov:

This is so tiring. Why do I have to learn the theory of art. It's decades ago.

On the break I didn't went outside. I didn't wanna see Hanni. I'd probably be too embarrassed.

I really shouldn't get drunk again. I kissed her. Again.

I wanted to draw something to kill some time.

The only thing that pierced my mind was a portrait.

I started making lines, circles, taking measurements and drawing the face.

After some time I got a great look at it and I had literally made Hanni.

Is she on my mind so much that I drew her so flawless?

It's that damn kiss. I blame it.

"Y/n!" Minji came over to talk to me.

"Hey bear." I greeted her softly.

"What are you doing after classes?" She asked me excited.

I thought about it for a good moment and then remembered the announcement on the board.

"I've got to go to the baking club with Hanni. Did anything happen?" I asked her.

"Oh, it's okay we can go at night. Actually, it's nothing serious. I was talking with the girls and a cozy pizza place opened next to Hyein's house. We wanted to go!

"That's cool! I'm available tonight. I don't know about Hanni though." I said unsure since I mentioned her earlier.

"Oh don't worry about that, I'm gonna ask her now." She said and greeted me goodbye to go ask Hanni.

A pizza would be amazing with the girls. We've always had fun when we're out for food.

Author: Hellaur readers. For everyone reading my other book, "Purely Pretending", I'm gonna continue updating it after finishing this book.

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