I Will Never Fall In Love.

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I've been told I run from my problems.

That I'm rude.

A terrible person.

Not 'Well adjusted'.

That I don't try to change for the better. Adapt or conform, for lack of a better word, to be like everyone else on this tiny blue marble.

But isn't changing yourself just another form of running away?

Why can't you just accept yourself the way you are?

Accept the things around you the way they actually are and not filter it?

There is no need to sugarcoat things. No need to be kind. I like to think of myself as an honest person when it comes to most things. And most of the time, telling the truth isn't always kind.

Because kindness, amongst other things, is a lie.

But of course, what I think doesn't matter.

That's why currently I'm sitting across from my court-mandated Therapist, Dr. Valerie Kinbott.

Dr. Kinbott was the local therapist in Jericho.

A rather average normie with blonde hair that just went past her shoulders. She's rather fond of sweaters and is rarely ever seen without her crescent moon necklace.

She was currently sitting on the chaise longue she had in her office.

I sat across from her in the chair that normally she would be in.

She learned quickly that I wouldn't talk if I was in the seat that her other patients were in. Whenever I sat there in the beginning I never spoke a word.

I was too uncomfortable.

So she suggested we trade places if it made me more comfortable.

And it did.. a bit.

Now I'll actually reply when she speaks to me, sometimes that is.

At the moment though, she was looking right at me.

I must have spaced out again... Dammit.

It's not something I plan on doing, it just ends up happening. Unless it's anyone else, in which case I wish I could do it on command. Just space out whenever they talk so I can just get to my turn and then leave.

"You blanked out again, Y/N. What are you thinking?," she asked me.

"...Nothing," I reply, taking a deep breath.

Valerie smiles kindly at me, "Wanna know what I'm thinking about? The first time you came to me."

I didn't exactly 'come to Valerie', I was forced to.

But I do like her, she at least understands.

Or tries to, anyway.

Unfortunately, even though she's a therapist, she's not the best at reading people. I, on the other hand, am somewhat good at reading them.

The trick is to look for the worst in them.

"You haven't had an incident in three years which is good, but I can still tell your holding a grudge," she states with a kind tone in her voice, "You're still angry at everyone. At society-"

Fuck society...

"-And I know you have a lot to be angry about, but keeping it all bottled up isn't healthy and won't help you. Tell me what it is about society that.. disappoints you."

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