Fire Will Rain.

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Wednesday's POV

"Thank you for seeing us at such short notice, Mr Mayor."

Mother, Y/N, and I had gotten out on bail.  We were currently at town hall in the Mayor's office. He sat just in front of us a little perturbed.

"Yes, well, veiled threats have that effect," Mayor Walker says.

I step forward toward his desk to get to the matter at hand.

"Garrett Gates wasn't killed by a stab wound," I tell him, placing the severed finger down on his desk.

Mayor Walker recoils at the smell of it.

We, on the other hand, do not.

Mother explains, "That blue sheen is a telltale sign of nightshade poisoning."

Y/N looks at him closely, "But you know that, don't you? You were Sheriff when this happened, so you had the position and influence to cover it up."

Mayor Walker stares at us for a moment, formulating his next words carefully. He was extremely worried of what he should say next.

"Ansel Gates hated Outcasts and Nevermore. He claimed the land the school was built on was stolen from his family over 200 years ago," Mayor Walker told us, "..Garrett went there that night to spike the punch and kill all the kids at that dance. Ansel confessed the whole thing to me in a drunken stupor before he disappeared. It was his idea."

Again, 'disappeared'.

Not even the old Sheriff knows exactly what happened to him.

I then ask, "Why did you instruct Dr Anwar to falsify the autopsy report? You knew the truth about how he really died."

Walker retorts, "Listen, my job was to keep the peace. Now, if there had been a trial, both Jericho's and Nevermore's reputations would have been tarnished."

Y/N scoffs at him, "Of course, it's about reputation with you."

Mother adds, "I think the only reputation you were worried about ruining was your own. I remember Garrett bragging to me that his father had the sheriff in his pocket. One year later, you get elected mayor. Hmm. No doubt with the full support of Ansel Gates. Perhaps that's why he disappeared? You were worried he may let it slip?"

I don't think I've ever respected my mother more than at this moment..

It was an odd feeling.

"I resent your implication," Mayor Walker exclaims.

"What I resent is that you could have prevented Garrett's death if you had done your job when I lodged my complaint about him stalking me," Mother retorts, "But no. Men like you have no idea what it feels like not to be believed."

Mayor Walker just gulped in guilt.

He clearly agreed, he just didn't want to admit it.

People like him, the wealthy and powerful. People of 'influence', no matter how fleeting. All they care about is just more power.

It's sad almost, but they don't deserve pity.

"..What do you want?," Mayor Walker asks.

Mother just smiles and stands with a hand on her hip, "All charges dropped."

"My father is to be released immediately with a full and unequivocal apology from the sheriff's office," I add.

"Terms are nonnegotiable," Y/N tells him.

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