Something More.

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I've learned a great deal of things in the past couple months than I ever have in the years I've been at Nevermore.

However, that was mostly because I never really paid attention.

Because it was never very interesting.

It's been about two hours since I got back to my place.

Two hours since the moment that made me forget about the past six years and current issues for just a fraction of a minute. And I think the happiest I've felt in a long time.

A 'normal' happy I mean. Not an 'electric-jolt-to-the-brain' or 'self-dissection' happy. Though I still remember when I saw the nerves in my arm for the first time.

No, this happy is new.

Feels weird as fuck but I don't hate it, so that's a good sign.

Right now I'm just lying on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I can't exactly fall asleep and now I'm thinking about what happened.

Part of that is due to the fact that I could hear Wednesday rather aggressively playing her Cello in the distance. And now I wonder if it's because she can't sleep either.

Perhaps even for the same reason?

Actually, I know that it is.

I can feel it.

But at the moment, I'm also feeling the desire to learn more about the one thing that has been eluding me. The one thing that I can find out  more of right now.

What exactly happened during Lazarus' life to make him the way he is now?

I know the 'obvious' thing to say would be the fact that he watched his father and sister die. And then died himself before literally coming back from the grave.

But... the way he talks makes it seem like it wasn't that at all.

He says he can remember his entire life, including the moments that haven't happened yet. Even the different variations of those moments based on choices made.

But why? How?

He says he saw Hell.

But did he mean it in the sense that it just might as well have been Hell?

He says he didn't bring himself back to life. That he should've died that night.

But what actually brought him back?

He merely said 'The Universe' did. So, what? The natural order of the universe? No, the 'order' of the universe is just chaos. There is no real order, just some vague semblance of one.

I go to sit up, and call out, "Lazar--"

But I'm cut off by a momentary pulsing headache and high-frequency screech that I can feel in my bones now.

My eyes close at the quick sharp pain, and when they open, I was already sitting in the same black foggy void as last time. But unlike those times, Lazarus wasn't sitting across from me.

This time he was standing a few feet away and slightly to the right.

Just staring out into the darkness as if he was looking at something, but there was nothing there.

He then sharply looked over at me.

Just as he turned, he flickered from view. Disappearing and reappearing near-instantly in the seat in front of me.

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