Simple Mistake.

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Another lead has presented itself to us.

This lead, however, was currently locked up in the Jericho County Coroner-Medical Examination Facility. Another body, this one fresh and not having disappeared like Rowan's.

But a bunch of cameras and such wasn't going to keep us out.

The roll-up door in front of Wednesday and I slowly slides up a few feet.

We slid under it before it immediately closed.

Thing was hanging on where the button was. He had crawled in from the vents. He hopped down from where he was to move toward us.

No one was here obviously on a count of it being late. And the room was mostly dark with the exception of a few lights and the lighting from the fridge cabinets over by the wall.

"While Y/N and I do the autopsy, you find the files of the monster's other victims and make copies," Wednesday tells Thing.

I move over toward the wall of mortuary freezers. I start running my hand along a few of them.

Wednesday pulls out a whole array of surgical tools she had from her bag. Thing meanwhile hopped up on the embalming table in front of her seemingly upset.

"Don't pout," she told him, "Your scalpel skills are questionable. Do you remember on my 13th birthday when Uncle Fester gave me that cadaver? You sliced right through that man's carotid." 

Thing then scampered away almost petulantly.

I pull open one of the freezers.

It wasn't the body we were looking for but I could smell the pool of blood that had clotted in it. It was utterly breathtaking..

Wednesday turned to me, "That's not the one we're here for."

"No, I know. But look," I replied.

She looked closer at the head. There was a sizeable bump where the blood had clotted.

She let in a deep breath at the sight, "Magnificent Hematoma."

"Exactly," I nodded, before closing the door and moving over to the one to its immediate right, "This is the one we're here for."

I opened it to reveal a familiar face.

It was the homeless junkie man from the old Meeting House from yesterday. They apparently found him back at the burnt building just earlier today.

"How did you know exactly where he was?," Wednesday asked.

I shrug, "It's barely noticeable but the others give off a slightly stronger scent. They'd been here longer, three-four days maybe. This gentleman has only been here under 24 hours."

"And decomposition starts after roughly four minutes after death. So the others are already more decomposed than him," she states, in slight fascination.

I pull out the tray that the deceased man is resting on.

This isn't the first time I'd seen a morgue, by the way. Not only due to the fact that I've snuck into a few to run experiments on cadavers.

But after the night my father was accosted by my uncle and his friends, when I woke up after the large flames from beneath engulfed my house, I was in a morgue. In one of the freezers actually.

Apparently, they thought I had died.

But I looked nothing like the body in front of us now did. Not just because he was older, but due to injuries sustained.

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