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Fester left town the next day.

Wednesday and I were walking through the Quad when Bianca approached us.

Her expression surprisingly read: Unbitchy.

Though, now that I think about it, she has been considerably less antagonistic for the past couple weeks. 

"Come with me," she told us, "I have information on Mayor Walker's murder."

Just straight to the point.

And now she was leading us down the steps of the Nightshades Library.

When we reached the bottom, we immediately noticed the former Mayor's son, Lucas, waiting for us. He's apparently been hanging out with Bianca ever since Parents' Weekend.

He instantly steps forward, handing over a few papers.

"Printed these off my dad's computer," he said, "Seems he was trying to track down someone. Laurel Gates? Looks like he started right after Outreach Day."

"He must have recognized her there," Wednesday said.

I start looking through the papers.

Lucas continued, "According to the British police report, Laurel was presumed drowned, but no body was ever recovered."

I show Wednesday one of the papers, reading, "The Gates Mansion was purchased a year ago by a 90-year-old woman. Died under 'mysterious circumstances', and gave all she owned to her caregiver."

"Teresa L. Glau," Wednesday read.

We look up at the other two, who didn't seem to realize.

I just tell them, "An anagram for Laurel Gates."

Bianca then says, "Laurel secretly buys her old house and then comes back to Jericho as someone else. Why?"

Wednesday tells her, "Revenge on all the people she blames for her family's misfortunes."

"Your father," I point at Lucas, "My father. The coroner. Wednesday's parents. Most of all, Outcasts in general."

"And how exactly does the monster fit into all of this?," Bianca questions.

"The monster is called a Hyde. It's doing Laurel's bidding. She controls it," Wednesday answers.

Lucas then realizes something.

And he asks, "You guys know who Laurel is... don't you?"

We don't respond.


Wednesday's POV

I opened the door to 'Kinbott's' office.

Y/N was waiting just on the other side.

Considering she's been his therapist for five years, it makes sense that he probably wouldn't want to bear the sight of her. It was fine as I could do this myself.

"Wednesday," she said, noticing me, "We don't have an appointment scheduled today."

"I wanted to return something," I merely replied as I moved over and placed down my bag to pull something out.

I pulled the jewelry box out.

I handed it to her, saying, "I found it in your old childhood room."

She opens it.. feigning confusion.

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