Welcome To My World!

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Wednesday's POV

We had made it over to land and were currently running through the forest.

We just charged ahead through the red moonlight of the night sky.

After a couple minutes of nonstop running, we momentarily slowed at the sound of howling not too far in the distance. It was a solitary howl and done almost forcefully.

I see Y/N grin.

But it quickly disappears the moment we turn to run in that direction.

Tyler was standing just ahead.

He leaned against the tree with an expression a mix of disappointment and primal joy. He eyed us both up for a split second.

"Laurel said you two were dead," he merely said.

I just reply, "We're feeling much better now."

"My family kinda has a habit of coming back from the dead," Y/N adds.

"Like a cockroach," Tyler muses.

"Flattery will get you nowhere," I tell him.

He just starts stepping towards us.

Y/N says with a smirk, "This isn't going to turn out how you think."

Tyler ignores him and starts full-on running at us.

His eyes begin to bulge and swell in size. They even tint to a more bloodshot red. His face begins to deform and practically elongate as his teeth sharpen.

He even starts growing, his clothes ripping in pieces as his skin goes gray.

His fingers increase in length and grow grotesque-looking claws.

And eventually, he starts running on all fours.

Y/N and I just stand our ground.

Y/N then smirked at the now-transformed Hyde in motion.

Then waved and said, "Bye."

That's when, immediately after he said that, a figure came bursting in from our left and barreled into the Hyde sending them both flying into a few trees in the distance.

They tumbled on the ground and pinballed between a couple trees before the newly joined figure dug into the ground and threw the Hyde into another tree.

It came to a stop and growled at him.

Then it sharply looked at us.

It was a werewolf.

Hunched-back in stature with particularly long fangs. But the one thing that really sticks out is the.. colored highlights at the top of its head...

I just say, "..Enid?"

Y/N threw his arms up in celebration, "You wolfed out!"

Enid's bestial nature visibly calmed down as she looked at us.

Suddenly, from behind her, The Hyde charged and swiped at her, sending her a few feet to the side. 

But she recovers in the air and lands and her paws.

Claws gripping into the ground as she skids along the ground, she sharply looks back up at the Hyde and growls, baring her teeth.

Y/N nearly ran at Tyler for that but I held him back.

The Hyde charges after Enid, to which she roars and charges in turn.

"We need to get back to the school," I tell Y/N.

Dark Reflections | Wednesday X Male ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant