Twisted Psycho.

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I've never liked Hospitals.

Which is kind of funny considering I wasn't exactly born in one.

I was by myself in my father's hospital room. Well, my father was there too of course, but I was still technically alone, all things considered.

When Wednesday and I got back to Jericho, I told her I had somewhere to be before the town met for the reveal of Crackstone's statue. She questioned where I was heading at first, but I wasn't entirely comfortable answering.

My father's arms were up over the covers. I was able to see the tribal half-sleeve tattoos he had on his forearms. I remember asking him about them once when I was younger.

He hesitated before saying that he'd tell me the story when I was older.

I wonder if it had anything to do with Lazarus?

He clearly knew of him.

Knew I would be here learning of him as well..

"I saw him..," I told him, "Our ancestor. But you probably already knew that would happen, didn't you?"

'1-6-2-5, the mortal died, then Lazarus rised.'

My ancestor died and then he rose from the dead. He came back stronger, like a phoenix from the ashes. Lazarus then somehow gained traits from other Outcasts which started to make them think him a god.

But next to no one remembers it?

I then tell him, "You know, this reminds me of one of the poems you used to read to me. I understood why you'd sing one of them, but never understood why you even read the second one until now."

'I met a traveller from an antique land,'
'Who said—"Two vast and trunkless legs of stone'
'Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,'
'Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,'
'And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,'
'Tell that its sculptor well those passions read'
'Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,'
'The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;'
'And on the pedestal, these words appear:'
'My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;'
'Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
'Nothing beside remains. Round the decay'
'Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare'
'The lone and level sands stretch far away."'

Nothing truly ever lasts forever.

But what I still don't get is how he just disappeared from people's memories for the most part.

He killed his whole tribe and also reduced a building to rubble, Most likely more. So how does no one really remember that?

I stand there as my father breathes shallowly.

In all honesty, he actually looks paler than my last visit.

"At least he looks better than when he did when you were ten," "He" said, from my right.

I glance over seeing him staring down at my father.

He then looks over at me, "Speaking of, do you.. remember anything particular about that night?"

"You mean other than the fire, blood, and screaming?"

He just looks at me with a blank face before asking, "What fire?"

"The one that eventually burnt my house to the ground," I sigh, "..They said a gas line erupted from under the house... I probably unconsciously caused it with my telekinesis."

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