The Nightshade Society.

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Wednesday's POV

"The first Poe Cup took place in 1897--"

I was currently stuck standing in front of everyone in the quad with the rest of my teammates. Enid was beaming at standing here as Principal Weems gave a speech with the Poe Cup itself sitting right next to her.

I didn't particularly like being stared at for this long after winning.

It almost makes me regret even participating..

Wait, no, it completely makes me regret it.

"--as a way to not only honor Nevermore's most famous alumni, but to celebrate those values that all outcasts share."

Y/N was currently leaning against the wall on the other side of the Quad. Eugene was sitting next to him and staring up here with a grin, mainly at Enid.

Y/N on the other hand was just looking up into the sky probably as bored as I am.

Unfortunately, Principal Weems continues, "Community, perseverance, and determination. And we certainly saw those values on display today."

She finally shuts up and grabs the rather enormous Poe Cup and holds it towards us.

Enid was the one to grab it, being team leader, and when she did she immediately let out, "WHOOO!!"

Enid and the others on our team bounced and shouted as I just stood there annoyed. The crowd even cheered along with them. 

The only person who didn't was Y/N.

Having had enough of this, I just walked away.

I entered a walkway towards a bronze statue of Poe himself.

I take a seat in front of it and let out a breath.

When I looked up, I noticed the statue of Poe was holding an open book. But the interesting part was the symbol painted on the cover.

The symbol for The Nightshade Society.

Before I could investigate further, a voice echoed through the small room, "What are you doing down here?"

It was Enid.

"Hiding," I replied, "People keep randomly smiling at me out there, it's unsettling."

She just lifted me off the ground and practically drags me back out the archway into the Quad. We stopped just at one of the pillars surrounding the place.

"It's called having your moment. You took down Bianca Barclay, try to enjoy it," she beams before adding, "The girls wanna know if you wanna hang out later. Come on, it won't kill you."

It might..

"...I'll think about it," I find myself telling her, "Actually, I have a question for you."

Enid just smiles at that, "Shoot."

 "How well would you say you know what Y/N can do?"

"You mean like psychically?," she specifies.

I just nod in answer.

"Well, He has telekinesis like his dad. I'm not entirely sure what his mom could do but she was also a psychic," Enid tells me, "but his dad was strong enough to lift cars. Plural. But he always said Y/N had better control than him. Especially at his age."

I tilt my head in confusion, "He's had his abilities young?"

Enid nodded in response, "Since birth, I think. His mom used to laugh about how difficult it was to put a floating baby to bed. He even had these like Lego sets when we were younger. And his father could move all of them in order to clean them up, but unlike his dad, Y/N could move individual pieces."

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