Gods Among Insects.

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Wednesday, Thing, and I left Enid in the dorm a few minutes later into the night. Part of the plan had to be done sooner rather than later. We spent the majority of the night getting things ready for tomorrow.

Wednesday was eerily silent throughout the whole time. Though I did catch her blatantly staring at me a few times, but Thing was ready to both work and talk.

I can see now why he gets along with Enid so well.. 

When we were done, I returned to my place.

The plan involves me being under the water in case of sabotaging fish-people. And now, the 'Black Cat' canoe was upgraded with some.. artillery, as well.

I spent to next few hours just staring at the ceiling before eventually falling asleep.

It always takes too long for me to sleep.

Hours of just staring at the ceiling of my room in the dark until descending into a not-so-eternal slumber.

Though it was slightly difficult to pinpoint the exact moment I transitioned from wakefulness to being in the realm of Morpheus, the realm of dreams. Particularly because what I was now seeing wasn't exactly dreamlike, but more akin to a memory.

One that I don't remember.

What I do remember is where it was.

It was this little shack or small clubhouse that I had when I was younger.

It was less than a mile away from my actual house. About a three-minute walk away actually, but the path in between was covered in trees so it was impossible to see one place from the other.

Which, frankly, at the moment I'm glad it's that way. I don't really feel like seeing my old house now, to begin with.

My dad was the one who made my clubhouse.

It was about one-third the size of my place at Nevermore, which was pretty spacious. But the one here was made mainly from wood which made it look like a cabin or a treehouse minus the tree.

It also had a sign on the door that said in big black letters: 'Adults Keep Out!'

My parents could get fairly protective when they wanted to be, but they thought it best to actually listen to the sign. They believed I should have a private place that was mine and mine alone. You know, even though I was five.

I matured early.

I doubt they actually knew what I had in there.

It took a moment, but I eventually remembered something.

My cabin was destroyed around the time I turned seven. Something fell from the sky, obliterating the place.

It was currently dark at the moment.

The skies I mean. Obviously, since all the stuff I own inside my shack was always dark. The first thing I noticed was my old guitar sitting on its stand next to the window. 

I kept my homemade electric chair in the corner. A decent-sized guillotine blade dangling above the door.. for intruders. And an open Iron Maiden in between two windows.

I turn around to take in the other side of the room, only to immediately notice something that should definitely not be there.

It was a person.

A child, lying down on the wood floor.

And before I could get a good look, my attention was quickly changed to the now-opening door.

Dark Reflections | Wednesday X Male ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang