Chapter 12 - An Evening Out

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Hello Eli

I would like to meet with you.

11 in the morning at Ashwood Lodge.

See you then.


The letter was short and to the point, but told me all I needed to know. A mysterious person "D" wanted to meet me tomorrow at the apartments both Caius and I stayed at the other night. But who was this "D" and why did they want to meet with me? I've only been in this strange place for not even two whole days and somebody already wants to meet with me.

I put the letter back in my jacket pocket, my thoughts still rushing. I needed to clear my head and figure out what was going on, but with this little information, I doubt I could find out anything before my meeting. I got up from the bed, grabbed my jacket and went to find Caius, who was in the kitchen cooking up a storm from the looks of it.

"Hey, I'm going out for a bit," I said.

Caius looked up from his cooking, "Don't you want to have some of my cooking? I worked extra hard on it," he replied sounding enthusiastic.

It did smell rather nice but I wasn't that hungry. "Nah, it's all yours."

I headed out into the cold winter air once again, still hearing Caius back inside, "Yay, more for me!" He must've really wanted me to try his food. The rain was still falling, but it was merely a gentle drizzle that misted over my face as I walked down the street.

While in town, I sought to make use of the time until my scheduled meeting the next day. I went to the same bakery I had been to the day before, picking out a hearty sandwich for lunch and a cup of coffee. I made my way to a clothing store, feeling the need for a change of clothes as I only had one outfit on hand. I browsed through the racks, picking out a fresh shirt and pants to add to my wardrobe. Rather cheaper clothes than I was used to, but with the money I had I didn't have another option.

The hours passed quickly, and with the simple errands taking up most of my time, I had about 10 or 11 stoek left, those silver-looking coins. Selling my things the other day really was worth it. Usually, I wouldn't waste my time indulging in myself but I didn't have any plans set till tomorrow, and exploring the town was a good enough excuse. By the time I made it back to Caius's place, it was late in the afternoon, and I was eager to rest before the meeting tomorrow.

As I entered Caius's home, I realized he was nowhere to be found. I was glad for the solitude, allowing me to drop off my newly acquired clothes and sit down for a moment of rest. But, after a few moments of stillness, I felt the urge to go out again. The thoughts of the meeting tomorrow plagued my mind, and I needed to clear my head.

I stepped out into the damp streets once again, the rain had passed and the sun had started to set. The sky was a brilliant mix of orange, pink, and purple, casting an ethereal glow over the town. It wasn't dark enough for the street lights to light up yet, but many stores had bright lights casting through their windows, illuminating the streets anyways. I walked aimlessly, lost in my thoughts, wondering how tomorrow would turn out.

No need to stress myself out, that'll just ruin my night.

I found myself eventually wandering towards a small bar. The same one both Caius and I had snuck to earlier in the day to hide. The warm light from inside beckoned me, and before I knew it, I was entering the bar.

It wasn't too lively which is how I liked it. A big party of people, drinking, dancing, and chatting isn't my thing. Just a few people up at the bar and a variety of others sitting at tables having something to drink.

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