Chapter 65 - Public Transport

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"Especially in the Entertainment District at this hour. There must've been commotion after the auction. They're out for blood tonight, for persecution." Darius continued. said.

Usually, the presence of Enforcers wouldn't cause too much alarm. However, in the Entertainment District at this late hour, after the auction, their appearance spoke volumes. Their nocturnal presence signified an underlying commotion, perhaps a fallout from the auction, triggering a fervent pursuit. That was to be expected after how the event ended.

Each of us sat in silence within the carriage, the rhythmic drumming of the rain creating an eerie backdrop to our thoughts. Fleur's words resonated in the confined space, a foreboding reminder of the dangers lurking in the night.

As the carriage trudged along, a cluster of luminous lights approached, the handles of lanterns carried by the advancing Enforcers casting intermittent flashes of illumination. The pale glow accentuated their determined strides through the downpour.

Amongst the Enforcers stood a face I recognized through the rain-splattered window—a familiar figure named Samb. Our previous acquaintance had been brief but enough to recognize him amidst the blurred silhouettes.

Moving past the cluster of lights, a sudden bang reverberated through the night, a sharp, jarring sound accompanied by an illuminating flash. Dread settled within me like a heavyweight as realization struck—the Enforcers were executing their duty, hunting down illegal Arcanists with ruthless efficiency.

This grim reminder of the laws in this world brought forth a sobering realization. I had become complacent, allowing a sense of security to permeate my existence as an arcanist. Yet, this display of authority served as a stark reminder of the harsh consequences awaiting those who faltered within the confines of this society.

The scene faded into the night as the carriage trudged forward, leaving behind the grim spectacle. The rain persisted, a symphony of sorrow playing out in the darkness, punctuated by the realization that caution and vigilance were ever so necessary companions in this world.

As the Leode Pier loomed into view, the bustling activity of boats docking and departing intensified, despite the late hour and the unruly weather. The persistent rain, dancing in the lights, painted the scene with a watery sheen, the quaysides bustling with carriages and figures wielding poles adorned with luminous lanterns.

"The Pier's always this lively," Fleur murmured, peering through the misted window, her gaze fixated on the myriad activities unfolding amidst the downpour. "No matter the hour or the weather."

Indeed, the Leode Pier stood as a vital artery of trade, facilitating the constant flow of goods and travellers between continents. Even under the cloak of night, its vibrancy and purpose never waned.

Darius ushered us to stay put within the carriage as he ventured out into the relentless rain. His figure soon disappeared into the shroud of the storm, leaving us in a state of suspended anticipation, the rhythmic drumming of the rain punctuating the silence that enveloped us.

Caius broke the tense silence that enveloped us, his voice laden with apprehension. "What if we can't even leave the pier? What if there are more Enforcers guarding the boats?"

Fleur's voice, laced with a seasoned calmness, cut through the rising unease. "I've been in situations like this plenty of times. With Darius beside us, things usually go smoothly. Even if there are Enforcers, we'll make it. Don't worry."

Caius seemed to relax a bit at Fleur's assurance but kept a watchful eye on the surroundings.

Suddenly, a figure approached the carriage, causing a stir among us. A sharp knock on the window startled everyone.

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