Chapter 43 - Preparations

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As I left the tent, the vibrant and chaotic world greeted me once again. But my mind was far from the present moment. The future that the soothsayer had described was both cryptic as expected and concerning too.

Leaving the entertainment district behind, I made my way to the familiar pier. The bustling atmosphere of the city slowly faded as I walked, replaced by the soothing sounds of lapping waves and the cries of henen birds.

The pier stretched out before me, a weathered promenade of sun-bleached wood that jutted into the cerulean expanse of the sea. The henen gulls, their wings and feathers glistening white in the sunlight circled gracefully in the sky, their caws echoing across the horizon like the seagulls of the world I left behind. It was a timeless scene, one that felt both foreign and familiar.

My footsteps fell in rhythm with the gentle lapping of the waves against the dock's wooden pylons. Fishermen bustled about, their calloused hands expertly sorting through nets teeming with their morning catches. The air was thick with the briny scent of the sea, mingling with the earthy aroma of freshly caught fish.

Merchant stalls lined the boardwalk, their wares displayed in an array of colours and textures. Fishmongers loudly touted the freshness of their seafood, while vendors hawked trinkets, jewellery, and other oddities. The rich tapestry of sights, sounds, and smells enveloped me, a reminder of the vibrant life that thrived in this coastal city.

I watched as sailors meticulously maintained their vessels, their sun-weathered faces etched with years of seafaring adventures. The boats themselves were a testament to Leode's maritime history, each one possessing its uniqueness. Some were more sleek and modern, while others boasted ornate carvings and intricate details. Though most were made of wood and aluminium much like in the 1800's as fibreglass wouldn't have likely been invented yet.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace as I strolled along the pier. It was a world away from the hustle and bustle of the entertainment district, a world where time seemed to slow, and the horizon stretched endlessly before me.

As I continued my leisurely walk, I found myself lost in contemplation. My new life in this enigmatic world had brought me both challenges and opportunities. I had abandoned the known for the unknown, and in doing so, had embarked on a journey that held no guarantees.

I gazed out at the seemingly endless expanse of the ocean, its deep blue waters stretching out to meet the sky. It was a sight that stirred something within me, a longing for exploration and discovery. What lay beyond the horizon? What secrets did this world hold, waiting to be uncovered?

As I pondered these questions, my attention was drawn to a commotion by one of the fishing boats pulling up to the wharf. A fisherman was unloading box after box of freshly caught fish as the pungent smell of the sea wafted through the air, assaulting my senses.

The burly fisherman with weathered skin called out to me. "Hey there! Could use a hand with this, if you're willing!"

I hesitated for a moment. I hadn't come to the pier to help with manual labour.

Just as I was about to leave, the fisherman called out again. "Help me out, and we'll make sure you go home with a nice catch for dinner!"

That settled it. The prospect of a free meal was enough to sway my decision. I made my way over to the fishing boat.

"Sure, I can give you a hand," I replied, rolling up my sleeves and grabbing a box filled with fish. The weight was substantial, but it was a welcome distraction from my thoughts. The fisherman nodded his thanks, and together we began unloading the boxes onto the pier.

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