Chapter 72 - Reminiscence

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Rex's knowing smile only deepened, a flicker of amusement dancing in his eyes.

"The diary, written by Eric Crowe [The Lonely Wanderer]," he began, his voice dripping with authority, "chronicles the history of the Second Era, a time of great turmoil and upheaval. It holds the secrets of the era now known as The Era of Fleeting Light and Lingering Darkness. They say he had many connections to some of the greatest arcanists to ever set foot in this reality."

I listened in silence, my mind racing to make sense of Rex's words. The revelation of the diary's significance sent a surge of unease coursing through me, its implications weighing heavily on my thoughts.

Darius had told me about the diary, explaining it as a powerful artifact created by not only the knowledge of journeys and discoveries within but also by the arcanist [The Lonely Wanderer]. Now I knew their name as Eric Crowe. The one who travelled with Cris.

"How do you know all this?" I finally managed to ask, my voice betraying a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "Why are you willing to divulge such information?"

As Rex started pacing around the room, my hand began to clench around the metallic weapon beneath my jacket.

"What is he talking about," Caius whispered to me.

"I was taught these things when I joined The Black Rose," Rex continued on. "The higher-ups have been around since far before The Great Calamity. They possess knowledge that spans the ages, extending far beyond what most arcanists could even fathom. It's a privilege bestowed upon those deemed worthy."

The air in the room seemed to thicken as he continued, his calculated dialogue weaving a web of intimidation. "The history of the past is like a canvas that is constantly being erased. The Great Calamity was not only a catastrophic event but also a catalyst for erasing the collective memory of our world."

"The Black Rose," I echoed, the name tasting bitter on my tongue. It was the shadowy organization that had been wrapped around my thoughts for a while now. To hear Rex speak of it with such familiarity only served to deepen my apprehension.

Rex was undoubtedly part of The Black Rose, much like the others on the list: Lorenzo, Pandora, and Uvan. Fritz was an anomaly, though he was most certainly connected.

"And what does The Black Rose want?" I pressed, my voice steady despite the turmoil churning within me. I had heard enough mentions of The Black Rose without learning anything about them. I needed to know more.

Rex's gaze hardened, a steely resolve flickering behind his eyes. "They seek to eliminate me," he replied.

A bewildering mix of emotions welled up within me as Rex's revelation hung in the air like a sinister cloud. Why would the very organization he was part of, The Black Rose, harbour intentions of eliminating him? Especially with the connections with The Arcane Group and the position Rex had as a figure in the arcanist supplement chain.

"Why would they want you dead?" I inquired, a thread of confusion lacing my words. I needed to know more. To get information out of Rex about The Black Rose. If they were around every corner I turned, I needed to be prepared.

Rex's pacing slowed, his gaze locking onto mine. "The Black Rose is after something," he revealed, his words measured and deliberate.

"I had suspicions that it was The Diary of Travels, which is why I planned on distributing it at the markets with the help of King, but it was something else."

"What is it?" I pressed, my curiosity overcoming the caution that whispered in the recesses of my mind.

Rex's eyes narrowed slightly. "I don't know," he admitted, his tone tinged with a hint of frustration. "I left The Black Rose before I could uncover the full extent of their objectives. Though the others stayed."

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