Chapter 31 - Glass Bowl Method

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"Well it would've been much better if Darius actually taught you rather than me having to throw you in the deep end. Though I'm surprised you picked it up quickly enough. Usually, people go insane after experiencing the side effects for too long."

I couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and annoyance, he could've warned me prior not only about insanity but about the glass bowl method too. "Insane? Is it really that dangerous?"

Alexei nodded gravely. "Yes, Elias. The untamed power of arcanists can overwhelm the mind and drive one to madness if not properly controlled. That's why the glass bowl method is essential. It acts as a focal point, a container for the power, allowing you to harness and direct it without being consumed by its chaotic nature."

I took a moment to gather my thoughts, the weight of the power I possessed becoming more apparent. Darius did mention that part of what makes us human is lost, as arcanists have the possibility of losing it completely and becoming a shell of our past selves. "So, this glass bowl method is a mental exercise, a way to maintain control and prevent the power from spiralling out of hand?"

"In theory," Alexei explained. "Think of it as the bowl is our self and the water as the power we possess. The more power we take on, such as progressing through tiers, the bigger our bowl will have to be. This means more concentration. It's a lot easier to go insane and lose yourself the stronger you get."

I absorbed Alexei's words, the gravity of the situation sinking in. The power I had obtained was not to be taken lightly. It required not only skill but also a strong mental fortitude to wield without succumbing to its overwhelming influence. A perfect fit for someone like me perhaps.

"Is there anything else I should know about controlling this power?" I asked, determined to gather as much information as possible.

Alexei paused, a thoughtful expression crossing his face."To further your understanding as I see you're lacking, you'll need to study these texts on arcanists and their powers. They contain knowledge that will help you grasp the intricacies of your abilities and how to progress," he said pulling a few books out of one of the bookshelves in the corner.

Finally, I have something I can actually study rather than blindly wandering the library without a clue what I'm looking for. "I'll be sure to study them diligently." Seeing as this power was a lot more mental than physical than I expected, I would have to spend every spare minute of free time with my head in these books.

"You better," Alexei said with a hint of a smile. "Knowledge is the key to unlocking the full potential of your abilities. And speaking of which, remember that the Watcher doesn't have any offensive capabilities. So, you'll need a weapon if you want to keep up during encounters."

"Understood," I replied. "I'll need to be prepared some way won't I."

"Good. I'll get Darius to issue you a revolver later. It should be reliable enough," he said. "Now moving onto this new ability of yours."

With that settled, Alexei turned his attention to the practical aspect of my training. He guided me to a small table in the corner of the office, where a few objects were arranged messily. Among them was a simple wooden box.

"Leaning to control your new Watcher ability requires more than just concentration," Alexei began. "You need to learn how to imbue your energy, your spirit, and your will into the objects you touch. It's similar to the concept of the Glass Bowl Method, where you visualize and control the power. But this time, you'll be extending your perception into the object itself."

He picked up the wooden box and placed it in front of me. "Close your eyes and imagine the glass bowl again Elias. Focus on the feeling of your energy flowing into it, like a current of water filling the bowl, like you're willing into existence. Hold that image in your mind."

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