Chapter 14 - Decision Making

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What had I just seen? The man I saw flying through a building just over a day ago had come to me with answers and left me with even more questions.

But there's no time to sit and wait for things to happen, if I want to fulfil this chance offer I should prepare myself to the fullest of my abilities before tomorrow.

As I walked back towards Caius's house, I couldn't help but mull over the proposition that had just been offered to me. It could be a chance for me to make some money and gain some valuable experience, but at what cost? I didn't even know what kind of work it would be, and what kind of object would I be looking for.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice Caius until he called out my name. "Eli! Where have you been all morning?"

I turned to see him walking and waving towards me, his easy smile on his face. "I went to the library," I replied, hoping he wouldn't press me for more information. I was planning on keeping the past few hours to myself.

Caius raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything else. "Well, come on then. Since you missed my delish breakfast, let's go back to my place for lunch. I made something I'm sure you'll enjoy."

"I won't pass down a free lunch. Just as long as it's good," I replied under my breath.

We both walked back to Caius' worn place and were soon sitting down at the kitchen table ready to eat. Caius served up a dish of pasta which smelt rather good. I never used to have hearty lunches like this back home, I would usually have pre-made meals done for me so I could take them to school.

I dug in, relishing the warm and hearty flavours, but kept my responses to Caius's attempts at small talk to a minimum. I had a lot to think about, and I didn't want to get sidetracked by idle chatter.

After a few more bites, Caius started talking still with food in his mouth. "So, what did you find at the library today? Anything interesting?"

I sighed inwardly. Caius was always so eager to make conversation, even when I wasn't in the mood for it. "Just some books on history and magic, nothing special," I replied shortly.

Caius nodded, not deterred by my lack of enthusiasm. "Magic, huh? You know that stuff is banned right?"

I rolled my eyes. "I can still learn about it can't I?"

"That's the right attitude," Caius cheerily replied. "You never know when it might come in handy to know a thing or two."

As I was finishing my meal, I decided to accept the job offer from D. It was a risk, but one that could pay off in the long run if I stuck to it.

Caius continued to chat away but stuck in my thoughts I blocked him out, I couldn't help but wonder what kind of preparations I could make before tomorrow. D had mentioned that I would be capable enough, but I didn't want to be caught off guard seeing as I still had doubts about him knowing me.

Eventually, I gave up and decided to wait until tomorrow. I would just have to trust that I could handle whatever came my way and be able to adapt.

Caius interrupted my thoughts, "Hey, I'm planning on hanging out with Fleur later, grabbing dinner at the bar. You want to come along?"

I hesitated. Fleur was at least not as annoying as Caius, but I didn't really feel like socializing today. With my own things to focus on I had no need for others, let alone allow them to get in my way. "No thanks," I replied. "I think I'm just going to read at the library again and rest up for tomorrow."

"So you've got plans tomorrow then I take it?"

"Yup, I'm going to actually look for a job. I can't freeload off your ass forever," I replied as I got up to leave.

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