Chapter 44 - Old Leode Theatre

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As I nodded in agreement, a nagging thought gnawed at the edges of my mind. The Goldeen Vault of Artifacts was renowned for its formidable security. The very idea that someone could infiltrate it and make off with an artifact without detection seemed almost preposterous. I couldn't help but voice my concerns.

"But Darius, how could this have happened? Isn't the Goldeen Vault practically impenetrable?"

Darius sighed, his expression growing graver. "I've already asked myself the same question, Elias. It's perplexing, to say the least. But remember, mysteries have a way of unveiling themselves at the most inconvenient times. I'd rather investigate this swiftly now and discover there's nothing amiss than wait for it to escalate later into something far more troublesome. We can deal with this now and try to figure out how it happened later."

Before I could respond, the wooden door to The Den swung open, and Felix strode in, holding a peculiar-looking case.

"Boss," Felix said, "I've brought what you requested."

Darius took the case carefully, his fingers tracing the contours of the ornate engravings. "Thank you, Felix," he said, his voice filled with gratitude. "This should prove crucial in our investigation."

Darius cleared his throat, his attention returning to the case. He addressed the group, but his words sounded primarily directed at me. "Listen closely, everyone. I've requested this artifact from the Church as a precautionary measure. It's just a low-tier artifact but that doesn't mean it isn't dangerous. I'll be the only one using it. The drawbacks associated with it can be risky, and I can't afford to have any of you compromised."

As Darius finished speaking, he carefully opened the ornate case that Felix had brought in. Inside lay a small, intricate pair of spectacles, its lens seeming to shimmer in the soft light of The Den. Unfortunately, the glass looked cracked.

"Shattered Sight," Darius muttered. "When injected with your will and spirit, one can temporarily disrupt time in the user's field of view like a stunning effect. This is at the cost of your own sanity as it temporarily damages your vision causing cracks in your sight. Prolonged use could even cause you to lose your sanity after going blind."

He looked up at the team and closed the case. "Remember, if things go south, I'll have to use it. I'll be sure to warn you all if that time comes. Hopefully, it won't come to that."

Darius's words about the artifact stirred a whirlwind of thoughts in my mind. Artifacts were one of the most enigmatic aspects of arcanist lore, and the brief glimpse I had gotten from my time at The Den left me hungry for more knowledge. My knowledge about them was still limited though, but I had picked up a few tidbits from Alexei's work and other texts.

The Artifacts were placed as either High-tier, mid-tier, or low-tier, each with their own unique abilities and properties relating to the same pathways that we arcanists were in. It was like a hierarchy of power hidden in plain sight. Yes, the churches guarded many of them, and many other more dangerous ones were stored in The Goldeen Vault, but the thought that some could be lost or hidden sent a shiver down my spine.

The team nodded, expressions determined yet wary. Darius's words hung heavy in the air, and I could sense the unease among the team.

"Darius," Jo spoke up, "I get that we might need this artifact, but are you sure it's worth the risk?"

"I understand your concerns. Believe me, I wouldn't use this artifact unless I thought it was absolutely necessary. Time is of the essence, and this might be our best shot at resolving the situation quickly and discreetly." Darius replied.

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