Chapter 52 - Between Continents

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Taking advantage of the casual atmosphere of the market, I continued to feign interest in the materials, all the while intently listening to the conversation nearby.

As the shoppers conversed, it became evident that this new supplier was the subject of much anticipation and curiosity within the underground market. The vague hints and secrecy surrounding their identity only fueled my interest.

While I listened, I couldn't help but consider the potential connections between this mysterious supplier, King, the market, and this so-called underground event. Were all these elements somehow linked, or were they individual threads in a more intricate web of intrigue?

As they chatted, I felt a nudge of pain in my wallet as I decided to purchase some of the ritual materials I had been examining. The prices were slightly on the higher side, but it was a necessary expense for my endeavours as an Arcanist. Thankfully, I had saved up a decent sum, mainly because I didn't have to pay rent while living in Caius's place.

Eventually, I located Fleur, and we made our way to our designated meeting spot where Lucas and Caius were supposed to rendezvous with us. Back near the Red Anchor once again. We found them there, waiting as agreed.

Our meet-up was quick as we briefly exchanged what information we had each gathered. The consensus was clear; we needed to return to The Den to report our findings to Darius.

We all left the entertainment district and hailed a carriage back to the Den, only a few minutes away back on Argyle Lane.

Arriving back at The Den, we all made our way to Darius's office. He looked up from his desk as we entered, his expression a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

Fleur wasted no time. "Boss, we've got some significant leads from the underground market. There's talk of a new supplier and an underground event. It could be linked to the markets in some way."

"I guess Felix was right," Darius said in thought leaning back in his chair.

After a few moments, Darius stood up from his desk. "Fleur, Eli, I want you two to write up a report for the archives about this. Make sure to include everything you heard and found, no matter how insignificant. I'll make sure to look in our current records to see if there's anything that could aid in this investigation. Good work. you're all dismissed."

Fleur and I nodded, acknowledging Darius's orders. We turned to leave the room and promptly made our way to a nearby office to write up our reports.

With the report completed, I stepped out of the writing room, only to be greeted by Caius waiting for me. He looked excited, his eyes shining with anticipation.

"Elias, we should go back to the entertainment district and explore more. It was so much fun," Caius suggested with enthusiasm.

I sighed, realizing that I had other pressing matters on my plate. I had plans to go back to the library to do some further research into Leode and Goldeen History, as well as reading maps and other geography about this world.

"I appreciate the offer, Caius, but I've got some other things to take care of. Maybe if I finish up early, I'll catch up with you later?"

"Alright, Eli, I'll be waiting ok."

With Caius giving me a parting wave, I left The Den and made my way towards the library.

The library was a sanctuary of knowledge, the perfect place to quench my thirst for information. It had almost even become a second home for me over the past few weeks after arriving here.

As I entered the library, the familiar scent of aged paper and polished wood greeted me. The librarian, Robin, noticed my arrival and waved enthusiastically from behind the counter. Her curious eyes seemed to sparkle with anticipation as I walked over to the counter.

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