Chapter 70 - The Stanway Estate

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The dawn sky was still shrouded in darkness, the first hints of sunlight yet to grace the horizon in Araway. Despite the early hour, a sense of anticipation hung in the air as we gathered our gear and prepared for the mission ahead.

Fleur, her movements sluggish from a slight hangover, struggled to shake off the remnants of drowsiness. Caius who was already ready as always, was trying to wake Fleur up by splashing water on her face, urging her to hasten her preparations.

"Come on, Fleur, we haven't got all morning," Caius chided gently, the urgency evident in his tone. "We need to be ready to go."

With a groan, Fleur begrudgingly complied, rubbing her eyes and mustering what little energy she had.

"This is why you need to quit drinking so much before we actually have a job to do," Lucas snarked while polishing his boots.

Lucas's retort woke Fleur up enough to comment back, "Oh fuck off Lucas."

"Fleur!" Caius shouted. "Let's just get ready."

The door to the master room creaks open and Darius walks out holding a small wooden case which he puts in his jacket pocket. "I've arranged a carriage to take us near the estate. They should have arrived outside right about now."

"Ready to go, everyone?" Darius's voice cut through the early morning stillness, his tone a blend of authority and reassurance. And with a swift motion, he adjusted his coat.

I nodded in affirmation, a surge of anticipation coursing through me as I fastened my gloves tight.

With our preparations complete, we made our way outside to where the waiting carriage stood under the soft glow of the street lamps. The faint scent of damp earth hung in the air, a testament to the possible rainfall that had washed overnight.

The carriage driver, a weathered man with a grizzled beard, tipped his hat in acknowledgment as we approached. "Mornin', folks," he greeted, his voice carrying a gravelly timbre. He had a slight accent rather northern and more similar to what you'd hear back in Leode.

Thankfully The Huntsmen and the other units had carriage drivers posted around in various cities for times like this.

"Good Morning," Darius replied, returning his nod as he climbed into the carriage, followed by Fleur, Lucas, Caius and I.

The carriage ride was a quiet affair, the rhythmic clatter of hooves against cobblestone providing a steady backdrop to our thoughts. Half an hour passed in comfortable silence, the rolling hills gradually emerging on the horizon as we left the city behind.

As the carriage came to a halt, we disembarked and began the remainder of our journey on foot. The crisp and damp morning air filled my lungs, invigorating me as we trekked northward for another half-hour along the wet gravel road.

Eventually, the gates of the estate came into view, their imposing presence casting a shadow over the surrounding landscape. A long, stony path stretched out before us, leading our eyes upward to the grandeur of the estate's main building.

"We're here," Darius announced, his voice tinged with a sense of determination as he surveyed our surroundings.

As we approached the gate, I steeled myself for the task ahead. Activating Fractured Sight, I grasped my revolver tightly, the weight of it grounding me amidst the swirling visions.

The webs of fractured reality coalesced, revealing the Victorian-style building standing proudly amidst sprawling grounds, and the long stone driveway stretching out like a beckoning path. Two figures loomed ahead, their presence ominous against the backdrop of the estate. Guards, are likely to be arcanists as well.

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