Chapter 29 - Goals and Aspirations

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As their words echoed in my mind, I couldn't help but let my thoughts wander down the intricate pathways of my aspirations. Becoming an Arcanist was an unlikely and unforeseen direction, but a welcome one nonetheless. I could already see it opening doors I never thought possible, granting me access to knowledge and power that would've been beyond my reach. Yet, my initial goal remained the same—to work my way into every nook and cranny of this new world, gathering information, unravelling secrets, and climbing the ladder of influence and power.

Attending the school of the elite and joining the enforcers presented a unique opportunity, a stepping stone towards achieving my ultimate goal. I yearned to reach the top of the food chain, to live a life of opulence and luxury without a hint of trouble or worry. It was a desire that burned within me, fueling my every action and decision.

The enforcers, with their position of authority and knowledge, held the keys to the kingdom, both figuratively and literally. They were the guardians of order, the defenders of the Kindom of Ercadium, and by aligning myself with them, I could access the heart of this nation's secrets. Through them, I would be able to dive into the heart of Goldeen's power structures, discovering the weaknesses and vulnerabilities that would allow me to rise unimpeded. But it would not be a simple task.

However, I was no stranger to challenges. I had faced adversity before back in my other life, rigorous testing throughout my schooling life at the top academy, with surmounting obstacles that proved a simple task to me each time.

With every interaction, every conversation, and every piece of information I gathered, I could inch closer to my desired position of power. Each step would be carefully calculated, my actions guided by a relentless pursuit of knowledge, influence, and control. And through it all, I would have to maintain a facade, hiding my true intentions beneath a carefully crafted persona of a curious and ambitious newcomer as I already knew too well that Enforcers and Arcanists don't mix.

"Joining the enforcers?" I replied to Elara my tone light yet laced with hidden intent. "Well, one must always consider all the possibilities presented, don't you think? After all, life is full of surprises, and it never hurts to explore the different paths and opportunities."

Zuzia nodded in agreement, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "Indeed, Elias. Life has a way of leading us down unexpected roads. And who knows? Perhaps the enforcers could offer you more than you initially anticipated." She looked up at me with her wry grin. "I wouldn't go against you giving it your all, though I'd like to see you try."

I could tell she was trying to provoke me, it takes one to know one. I understood Zuzia recognized the fire within me just like her own, the hunger for power and control that burned brightly beneath my composed exterior. She understood the depth of my ambitions, her words were a silent encouragement, a challenge to pursue my desires without hesitation. Although I wouldn't follow alongside someone like her, she was the kind of person I admired, in fact currently the only person in this new world I somewhat respected.

As the more serious conversation began to wind down, the group decided to have a few more drinks at the bar. The ever-lively Samb ordered another round, which he opted for a stronger brew. I, however, requested just a glass of water, feigning a preference for sobriety as I usually would. I don't usually drink as well, I wouldn't usually go out to a bar in the first place, to be frank.

We engaged in casual talk, laughter and camaraderie filling the air, but beneath the surface, the unspoken lingered. We were all players in this game, each with our own motives and agendas. And while we shared a temporary camaraderie, our paths would inevitably diverge as we pursued our individual aspirations.

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