Chapter 67 - Continental Differences

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The anticipation of arrival stirred a quiet energy among us. The boat gradually approached the pier, its engines humming in the background. As we prepared to disembark, a subtle sense of excitement mingled with the remnants of my unsettling dream.

Caius emerged from the cabin, a satisfied grin on his face. "I had a great sleep," he announced, stretching his arms. Lucas followed, looking a bit fatigued. A lack of rest must have plagued his night, and the drink mustn't have helped. A twinge of gratitude passed through me, realizing that I hadn't shared the cabin with them.

"Looks like someone didn't have such a restful night," I remarked, nodding subtly toward Lucas.

Caius chuckled, seemingly oblivious to the nuances. "Guess he's not used to the cozy accommodations."

Lucas shot him a wry smile, though his eyes betrayed a deeper weariness.

As the team gathered our belongings, a hooded figure caught my attention. A sudden instinct kicked in, and I found myself needing to cover my face with my jacket, a subtle but intentional act of caution. It wasn't something I would've done as all the others didn't have their jackets on, but my entire mind was sending me warning signals.

The boat finally docked, and we stepped onto the port, greeted by the hustle and bustle of Araway. The polished wooden planks and tile of the pier contrasted with the worn, leaning houses that awaited beyond. Araway, though still part of the grand Ercadium Kingdom that Leode was a part of, bore the subtle scars of time.

The architecture resembled that of Leode as both cities were basically next-door neighbours, the same style indicative of the overall kingdom's influence. But here, the structures seemed to carry the weight of years.

The houses, though not dilapidated in any way, leaned ever so slightly, like weathered veterans who had faced the storms of time. The roofing, slightly misshapen, with tiles fallen here and there, spoke of a city that had been through more than just the elements.

I also felt a subtle sense of déjà vu, a recognition spurred by a fractured vision from the past. The pier, with its more polished appearance, matched the scene from the vision where I first saw Xerces, the fisherman, and the mysterious crate. It was a fleeting but significant moment that connected my past glimpses of Araway to the present reality.

My hand instinctively slipped into my pocket, fingers brushing against the Scroll Casing Lid. It was among the many things I had thought to bring with me. The casing being in one of the crates that came from this place.

Darius, with his eyes scanning the surroundings, gathered us together for a brief word. "We won't linger here for too long," he announced, his voice carrying a weight of caution. "But we'll get a place to stay, just in case. There's a noticeable lack of enforcers in this city, so watch yourself."

The implication hung in the air, a subtle warning that extended beyond the threat of enforcers. In Araway, the danger wasn't just from the authorities; it was the shadows cast by other arcanists.

The enforcers hunted and persecuted illegally active arcanists which we had to be wary of, but they were still the Kingdom's lifeline, their policing unit making sure crime and regular activity was managed.

Without them in such a place, it was no wonder Araway was slightly less polished than Leode.

As we ambled through the cobbled streets, the city revealed its character. Faces peered from behind curtains, curious eyes observing the newcomers. Yet, it wasn't just the people who held a watchful gaze; the city itself seemed to harbour eyes.

My attention was drawn to a grand structure, rising proudly against the backdrop of the city's modest skyline. A church with an emblem etched into its stone facade—a Sword piercing through a Spiky Crown. My eyes lingered on the emblem, captivated by its intricate design.

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