Chapter 36 - What Leaves, Must First Enter

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King's lips curled into a smirk, amused by Fleur's boldness. "My help?" he echoed, his voice dripping with arrogance. "Fleur, why? Tell me, do you believe you have the right to ask for my help? Do you truly think you can order the mighty King around?"

He leaned forward, face to face with Fleur "You do remember how I got this beauty don't you?" he said making his scar over his eye apparent.

Darius stepped forward, ready to intervene, but Fleur held up a hand, silently urging him to let her handle the situation. I knew to stay back too as I could tell she knew who she was dealing with. It wasn't a matter for me to deal with at all.

With a steady voice, Fleur responded, "This isn't a personal matter, King. Lives are at stake—the civilians, the orphans of Leode, and the possibility of a working false artifact getting loose. We don't have the luxury of petty rivalries or power plays. We need your knowledge."

King tilted his head, considering Fleur's words. "Oh, well, you're right. That wouldn't be good now, would it?" he mused, blowing another puff of smoke. "But why come to me? What makes you think I'd care about the lives of the common folk? What's in it for me?"

"You oversee all of the underground markets, King. You know of all that comes in and goes out. Someone who could orchestrate something like this must have connections here. Information is what we need, and we believe you might have some knowledge that could help us," Fleur stated calmly.

A wicked grin spread across King's face, revealing a glint of maniacal pleasure. "Ah, so you come to me not out of trust or camaraderie, but out of desperation," he said, leaning in closer to Fleur once again. "You're in dire need of my assistance, aren't you? But remember, my dear Fleur, everything comes at a cost."

Fleur's eyes narrowed, and she took a step forward, meeting King's gaze unwaveringly. "We're willing to pay the price, King. But this isn't just about me; it's about the people of Leode. Innocent lives are in danger, and we can't afford to turn a blind eye."

King let out a sinister laugh, the sound echoing through the underground market. "Very well," he said, savouring the tension in the air. "I do have information that may be of interest to you. But know this, Fleur, the cost will be steep. And let's not forget, you already owe me a considerable debt."

Fleur's jaw tightened, her fingers clenching into fists. She glanced back at us briefly, her expression conflicted. I could see the weight of the decision on her shoulders.

But then, unexpectedly, she turned away from King. "Let's go," she said to the rest of us, her voice resolute. "We won't be getting anything out of him. We'll focus on looking ourselves."

I was confused by her sudden change of heart. We could have obtained crucial information right then, even if it meant fulfilling a steep cost.

As we walked away from King, he couldn't resist having the last word. "Run along little rabbit, for I will see you again real soon. The King will have what he's owed in time," he called out, his voice laced with threat and ego.

Outside the underground market, the fresh air was a relief from the tension within. Fleur's decision still lingered in my mind, and I couldn't help but question her choice.

"Fleur, why didn't you agree to King's terms?" I asked once we were out of earshot. "We could've obtained valuable information."

Fleur paused, her gaze focused and serious. "You have to understand, Elias, that King is not to be trusted. He's a twisted, psychotic, monster."

Darius nodded in agreement. "As much as we need information, we can't afford to be at the mercy of someone like King. I know that all too well."

I understood their reasoning, but part of me still wanted to try.

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