Chapter 53 - Individual Task

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With a sense of determination, I injected my energy into the brooch, initiating the process of peering into its past. I closed my eyes and focused my mind, channelling the glass bowl into the cold metal in my hands.

As I opened my eyes, I expected to see the familiar webbed fractures that would reveal the hidden history of the brooch. But this time, something was different.

The fractures were there, just as I had anticipated, but the scene they unveiled was not what I had experienced before. It was as if I had been transported to a liminal space, an abyss of darkness. The inky void seemed to stretch endlessly in all directions, devoid of any discernible features or landmarks. It was another space unknown to me, a place I hadn't experienced with my Watcher abilities.

As I gazed into the formless void, a sense of unease washed over me. It was as though I had stepped into the realm of the unknown, a place where the rules of reality no longer applied. The darkness felt thick and suffocating, like an oppressive shroud that clung to my very being.

But that wasn't the most unsettling part. As I ventured further into this enigmatic void, I felt the presence of something greater, something far more potent than any aura I had ever encountered. It was weaker than when I had looked at myself through the fracture, but vastly stronger than the aura I had felt from meeting Father August.

This presence was immense, a force that exuded power and authority. It was as if it knew I was intruding, that I was delving into the mysteries hidden within the brooch. The feeling was akin to being watched and scrutinized by an entity with a profound understanding of my actions.

It wasn't a malicious presence, but rather a knowing one. I couldn't help but sigh inwardly with relief, knowing that I had the forethought to establish a bounded field. This protective barrier shielded me from the full impact of this mysterious force, whatever it might be.

Yet, despite the unease and the watchful gaze, there was one undeniable fact; I was getting no results from my endeavor. The brooch's past still remained a mystery.

With a sense of frustration and exhaustion from the long day, I deactivated the fractures and the bounded field, returning my room to its initial state and went to bed.

And then, I awoke again.

But this was no ordinary awakening. I found myself in a dreamscape, a world that seemed completely foreign. I was nestled against the trunk of a tall tree, surrounded by long, swaying grass that stretched as far as the eye could see. The scene was picturesque, serene, and bathed in the soft glow of morning sunlight.

I tried to move, but I couldn't. It was as if I had been locked in place, a mere observer in this dreamlike scene. Looking through another's eyes into their reality.

As the scene scanned the surroundings, its gaze fell upon a man seated next to me, leaning against the same tree. His hair was a perfect shade of white, his eyes glowing a bright orange and amber. In his lap, he held a large, leather-bound book, and his focus was on the worn parchment as he meticulously inscribed something I couldn't make out with the brief moment I saw it.

And then, something otherworldly happened.

The sky, which had been a clear blue canvas, suddenly split with a deafening clap of thunder. It was as if an invisible hand had torn through the heavens, ripping apart the sky. In the gap between the fractured clouds, an ominous darkness began to seep out, spreading rapidly across the once-pristine sky.

The transformation was astonishing. In an instant, the day had turned to night, and the vibrant, sunlit landscape was swallowed by an oppressive darkness. It was as if the very concept of day and night had been upended.

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