Chapter 39 - Through the Window

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The feeling intensified, and I could feel the darkness tugging at my very essence. It was as if the void was trying to consume me, to erase my existence from this world. Panic surged through me, and I quickly realized that I had to deactivate my ability before things got out of hand.

With all my willpower, I forcefully pulled myself out of the trance. The darkness receded, and the chilling cold dissipated. My heart was pounding in my chest, and I was left breathless, shaken by the abyss.

What was that? What could have happened if I had stayed there for too long? The questions echoed in my mind, but I couldn't find any answers. It was as if the darkness had swallowed them too, leaving me with a profound sense of uncertainty and dread.

Pushing those thoughts aside, I decided it was time to sleep. I deactivated the bounded field and the chill subsided, alleviating my tense body. Before settling down, I placed the pocket watch on the table and slid my gun under my pillow.

As I closed my eyes, I tried to clear my mind of the events of the day, focusing on the sound of my own breathing. The world around me faded, and soon I drifted into sleep.


The next morning, I woke up early and prepared for another day of work. The events of the previous day still lingered in my mind, but I pushed them aside, focusing on the tasks ahead.

I made my way to the office with my things, the streets of Leode already bustling with activity. The city seemed to have a life of its own, each person caught up in their own stories and struggles.

Following my usual routine I picked up breakfast from the bakery and ate it on the way to The Den.

As I entered The Den, the familiar scent of coffee and ink filled the air. Darius was already there, pacing back and forth with a stack of notes in his hand. His brows furrowed.

"Good morning, Elias," Darius greeted me as I approached him. "I've got a lot to do today. I need you on lobby duty."

"Lobby duty?" I repeated, surprised. I had usually seen Jean involved in that task. I guess everyone has to do it at some point.

"Yes," Darius confirmed. "I'm expecting something to come today, and I want you to handle the front desk. Make sure everything runs smoothly."

"Understood," I replied with a nod, taking a seat at the front desk. It was a rare change of pace from my usual assignments, but I didn't mind. It meant I would have some time to catch up on the books Alexei had given me, and perhaps even do some thinking.

I nodded, accepting the task without protest. It wasn't often that I got assigned to the front desk, but I was more than capable of handling it. Besides, it would give me a chance to catch up on my reading during any downtime.

As I settled in behind the front desk, I laid out the stack of notes and papers from Alexei's material book. It was a rare opportunity to have some uninterrupted time to read and absorb the knowledge. The book was a treasure trove of information, detailing various aspects of arcane materials, rituals, and practices. Each page was filled with intricate diagrams and detailed explanations, and I found myself engrossed in the content.

About twenty minutes later a few familiar faces walked through the entrance. Fleur, Jo and Mar.

"Good morning, Elias," Fleur greeted me with a smile as she approached the front desk.

"Morning," I replied, my attention still on the book.

"We're heading out for a field investigation," Jo explained. "We'll be back by evening."

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