Chapter 35 - Missing Persons Case

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Confusion and uncertainty gripped my mind as I witnessed the fractured scene before me as it gripped my attention like a vice. The sensation of both being a current spectator and an active participant was unsettling, causing me to produce beads of sweat across my forehead and down my back.

My heart pounded in my chest, and a surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins. The weight of the revolver in my hand suddenly felt heavier, as if it carried the weight of the decisions I would have to eventually make.

But just as quickly as the fracture had appeared, my concentration wavered from my uncertainty and the scene dissipated into nothingness.

A great sensation of confusion and anxiety washed over me. The dimly lit theatre, the figure in black up on stage, and my coworkers by my side—it was a scene filled with tension and foreboding. But what was its true meaning? Was it a real glimpse into a potential future, a warning, or merely just an illusion? And how soon was it? Alexei did say that I shouldn't trust every fracture I see.

Realizing I had lost control of my ability, I got up to leave in a hurry. I gave back what bullets I had left to the range owner and thanked him goodbye.

I made sure to hurry right back to the Den, the sweat becoming stale in my black uniform shirt from the cool afternoon air. Thoughts raced through my mind, intertwining with the questions that had plagued me since my induction. The enigmatic higher tiers, the mysterious figures in my visions, and the secrets that lay hidden within the church—it was a tangled web of mysteries that I needed to unravel. I was hoping everything would start to add up sooner than later.

Walking back, I once again noticed that there were rather a number of enforcers patrolling. Far more than in the morning. Was something sinister going on or had they found out more illegal arcanist activity? Personally, I'd rather it be neither.

As I entered the Den, my thoughts were interrupted by the sight of two unfamiliar figures stepping out of Darius's office with the boss himself. Their presence seeming to dominate the room, and an aura of power surrounded them, making them stand out even among the arcanists present such as Fleur, Lucas and Jean.

The first figure was a short woman with striking white hair, cropped neatly and adorned with bright red lipstick. Her eyes were sharp and observant, and her every move exuded confidence. The second figure was a tall, tan-skinned man with very dark brown hair. He carried himself with a sense of calm authority, his eyes scanning the surroundings with keen intensity.

Before any introductions could be in order, Felix burst into the room, panting heavily. Despite his usually reserved demeanour, he spoke up in a hurried tone that demanded everyone's attention.

"Boss, I got new information from my informant," Felix said, his voice surprisingly steady despite his breathlessness. "People from the homeless district have been disappearing rapidly, including children from the orphanage."

Darius's expression turned grim, and he wasted no time. "Felix, tell me everything you know. Elias, Fleur, get your active uniforms on and bring your gear. We're heading out immediately."

My heart pounded in my chest as I hurried to comply with Darius's orders. Without a moment's hesitation, I dashed to my quarters, quickly changing into my active uniform. I strapped the gun holster around my waist, securing the revolver in place, ready for whatever lay ahead.

As I dressed, my mind still lingered on the fracture I had witnessed earlier at the firing range. Despite knowing that this current mission wouldn't be the one I saw in the future, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease. Both Lucas and Jean were in the fracture and they didn't seem to be coming today. But the scene had seemed so real, so vivid, and the thought of a future confrontation weighed heavily on my mind.

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