Chapter 38 - Uncovered

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"Ah, Elias, isn't it?" Zhiff said with a calm tone. "What brings you to The Wanderlust at this hour? An unexpected coincidence, don't you think?"

It was Zhiff, the man I had met a while ago back at the library. My initial impression of him was that he seemed like a regular citizen, harmless and unassuming. He acted friendly and helpful, but after what Alexei had mentioned, I couldn't help but be more weary of strangers.

"Oh, just browsing," I replied casually, trying not to let my guard down.

I kept my gaze on him, trying not to show any unease, as I handed the money to the shopkeeper without looking and carefully slipped the pocket watch into my pocket.

"Ah, browsing," he echoed as he stepped closer, maintaining a friendly demeanour. But I could sense a subtle shift in the atmosphere—a moment of pause that made the shop feel heavy.

"Well, it's a fine place to browse, indeed. Anything catch your fancy?" he asked, his eyes briefly flickering down to my pocket, where the watch now rested and back up to lock with my eyes.

"Nothing yet." I replied.

Zhiff raised an eyebrow, seemingly unperturbed by my response. "Nothing yet you say?" he said, his lips curling into a slight smile and taking another glance at my pocket.

I tightened my grip on the pocket watch in my pocket, trying to keep my composure. Zhiff's friendly demeanour was starting to feel more like a facade. Something I expected but was still weary about. Where did that kind and helpful attitude go to or was it just a front? A way to blend in. To be completely honest, I could relate somewhat.

"Time is precious, don't you think?" Zhiff continued, his smile widening. He took a few steps passing me, running his hand across the store counter. "Every second that passes is an opportunity lost. But with the right tools, one can make the most of every moment."

"Yes, time is indeed precious," I replied carefully, choosing my words cautiously. "But it's also something that can't be controlled. We can only make the best of what we have."

Zhiff's smile never faltered, but his gaze bore into mine as if he was trying to read my thoughts. "Wise words, Elias. Wise words indeed," he said cryptically.

I felt a shiver run down my spine, and I couldn't help but feel like Zhiff knew more about me than he let on. It was as if he was toying with me, testing my reactions. But I refused to let him get under my skin.

With a tight smile, I nodded politely. "Thank you," I replied, deciding it was time to leave before this encounter took a turn for the worse.

As I turned to walk away, Zhiff's voice followed me, chilling me to the core. "Remember, Elias, time waits for no one. Make sure you use yours wisely."

The words repeated in my head as I stepped out of the shop with a ding. What did Zhiff mean by that? Was he trying to send me a warning, or was it just a simple remark to try and unsettle me?

As I walked back to Caius's place, clutching the bag of materials and the pocket watch in my pocket, my mind was reeling from the encounter with Zhiff. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to him than met the eye.

Reaching the quiet streets near Caius's place, I couldn't help but take the pocket watch out of my pocket by its chain. Why did Zhiff seem infatuated with it? I could tell he saw me put it in my pocket. It was a simple and elegant timepiece, but there was something about it that drew me in. As soon as my fingers touched its surface, a strange sensation coursed through me, and my heart skipped a beat.

In that split second, I was overwhelmed by a flash of memories—or at least, what felt like memories. Blinding light followed by the deepest darkness. Silver hair covered in blood that seemed to stretch on forever, and faces of people I couldn't recognize. But the most startling vision was that of a seemingly young Darius, standing alongside three other individuals, their features obscured and their presence enigmatic. They all felt like fleeting pieces of a puzzle that didn't quite fit together.

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