Chapter 55 - The Language of Magic

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As I deactivated the fractured scene, I felt a surge of urgency. I couldn't wait any longer to share this discovery with Darius. He could put this information into action. The auction was a significant lead, and we needed to act quickly. I finished my drink in one gulp, left a handful of bronze-coloured coins on the counter, and gestured for Caius to follow me as I stood up.

Caius raised an eyebrow, his usual cheerful demeanour mingling with curiosity. "Elias, what's got you in such a rush? You're usually not this thirsty. Was your drink really that good?"

I didn't offer an immediate response, my thoughts still racing. Instead, I simply said, "I need to see Darius. I've got important information to share with him, and I can't afford to waste any time."

Caius's eyes widened with surprise but also anticipation. "Important information? Well, then, lead the way, my friend."

We made our way to the Den, quickening our pace through the now-dark streets of Leode as the moon began its rise into the night sky. The anticipation was growing, but we were met with an unexpected sight when we arrived at our headquarters.

Darius was nowhere to be seen. Instead, Mar sat alone at the meeting table, her gaze focused on some paperwork in front of her.

I approached Mar with a polite nod. "Hey, Is Darius around? I was hoping to talk to him about something important."

She looked up, her expression neutral as always. "Boss has gone to the Church for the evening congregation. He said he'd be back later."

"Did he say how long?" I replied.

Mar just shook her head briefly and was immediately engrossed back in the documents she was reading.

"The Church?" I said frowning.

Without looking back up, Mar's response was concise and to the point. "The Church of the Keeper of Time, three blocks past the library to the west."

"Well, it's getting late, Elias. Maybe you should wait for him here," Caius chimed in.

I didn't hesitate. "Thanks, but this can't wait."

I quickly made my way to the Church of the Keeper of Time, guided by Mar's directions. The night had fallen, and the streets were quieter than usual. The soft glow of street lamps and the pale light of the moon illuminated my path.

As I approached the church, I noticed the serene ambience that enveloped the area. The wooden doors creaked open slowly to reveal the dimly lit interior. Rows of wooden pews stretched out before me, and about ten to fifteen people were scattered throughout, their heads bowed in prayer.

The altar at the front was bathed in the flickering light of candles, and the bishop stood there, leading the congregation in a solemn sermon. The hushed murmur of prayers filled the air, creating a peaceful atmosphere.

I spotted Darius sitting in one of the pews near the back, his posture straight and reverent. He was fully immersed in the prayer session, his eyes closed as he focused on the spoken words.

I quietly slid into the pew behind him, taking a moment to collect my thoughts and compose myself. The bishop's voice was soothing, and his words carried a sense of deep reverence.

As the bishop led the congregation in prayer, I leaned forward, close enough to whisper to Darius without disturbing the others. "Boss, I found a clue, something related to the event we've been investigating."

Darius, lost in his devotion, initially shushed me with a quiet, hushing gesture, not even glancing back. But the urgency in my voice eventually got through to him, and he turned to look at me with a finger pressed against his lips, urging silence.

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