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December 14, 2019

Aryan had never felt more giddy than he did that day. He had planned a surprise for Seema. He had just gotten a job at a much better company. His pay was higher than the last one and he was happy to share this moment with her. Seema was the light of his life, cheesy, he knew. But it was true.
Aryan had never smiled the way he did whenever he was around her, she just made everything so much better. They had been together for five years, and each day Aryan worked even harder to make himself a better partner.
He styled his clothes the way he knew she liked and hid that part of his arm that was scarred from a previous accident, it hurt a little to see her icky at the sight of his arm, but it wasn't that important.  It was okay, Seema was allowed to not like everything about him.

So he wore full sleeves as much as he could. When it was too hot, he just tilted his scarred arm away from her sight.
It was a small sacrifice to make, who did not have to sacrifice something for a better relationship?

He rang the bell and heard some shuffling behind the door, he waited impatiently outside her door for five minutes before she opened the door for him, her annoyed face quickly shifted into a shocked one as she shuffled her feet, " W-what are you doing here, Aryan?", his face brightened and he hugged her tightly to himself. When he pushed to get inside she immediately placed her hand on his chest- pushing him out.
"Uhm it's messy inside, what do you want?" impatiently she tapped her foot on the ground, when he told her to let him in as he did not mind, she declined the idea once again. 

Not wanting to ruin their combined moods with an unnecessary argument, Aryan shrugged it off. He asked her to come to her favorite restaurant later the same evening, she agreed and shut the door almost immediately in his face, having gone through this before Aryan did not feel sad, he figured she was simply put, not in a mood to entertain humans. He could work with that. He knew how much Seema cherished her alone time. He knew she did not mean to be rude, she was just being herself. He could live with that. He loved her, having a few imperfections did not make her any less stunning than he already found her.

That same evening as he proposed to her, a smile so huge on his face that everyone passing by stopped to stare at him, but he could care less! Seema accepted him! He felt so much joy he could die from it. He was returning back home the said evening, the box of ring now empty in his pocket while his heart was overflowing with glee. His heart lept in joy for another six months when one evening he directly stumbled upon proof of her unfaithfulness.

He was at her place that day when he found a note specifically in the drawer where he kept his clothes for whenever he came over, the note was written by the man she was cheating with. While the man in the letter continuously apologized for unknowingly taking part in something so vile, his fiancee could care less. 

The ring he had so lovingly given her--was sold. His heart that he'd given her was splintered. His soul dented. His confidence shattered. His trust in humanity fragmented.

He had slowly picked up pieces of himself and left for his home, in the safety of his family. But even they did not know how a man so happy could turn into someone so, so dejected. They only got to know about his broken relationship a month later when he unexpectedly burst into anger at her name.  Only then, did his family get to know. He never cursed her. He never showed hatred for her. He did not stop believing in love and neither did he lose himself...he just gathered his shattered self and rebuilt it to the best of his capabilities.

But a few gaps remained. 

His confidence had wavered, and his breath hitched now. 

He had gotten scared of love. 

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