🍁Chapter:24(Part I)🍁

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🍁Chapter:24 (Part I)🍁

Aryan's POV

My throat closed as if hands had been choking me. I gasped but the image of them taking Isha's still body engraved itself into my head. I had pleaded them to save her, they had told me it was too late, the children were killing her. 

I had begged for them to let her live, cursed at myself and the universe for the state that she was in. 

"Your wife has lost a lot of blood."

No, she will fight for she is strong. The strongest person I know, Isha never gave up, she would never give up on either our children or herself. She possessed the spirit of a fighter, when all things worked against her she rose again like a Pheonix. And those were her kids fighting inside with her. She would fight the world for those kids.

There's no way she would give up.

Or so I thought. 


They wheeled her out of the room with her head covered, my world came to an end that moment. Love of my life, gone. 


Isha gone.

Our kids killed her. Made her bleed to death and I was responsible for it. My fault, her death is my fault. Isha is gone because of me. My kids took her life. What numerous people had tried to do was finally done by my blood and I was ashamed to have made them. 

They took from me my wife. 

I fell to the floor clutching her hand, but people pulled me away from her. These hands will never hold me again, these soft fingers will never touch my skin, these eyes she covered from the sun will never see light again. 

I will never see her again and it is all my fault. 

I killed her. 

"Aru, let her go baby..." I saw my mother cry holding me back from reaching her, I huffed in pain, my chest constricted, and I shook my head. "She can't leave me!" I argued and just as I lunged to get her out of that bed, someone shook me so hard my eyes opened, and I fought to breathe again.

"Aryan!" My head snapped besides me to see Isha worried. I hugged her, without much thought and without telling her the reason...I embraced her as tightly as was humanly possible. "Don't leave me..." my voice came out raspy and for a moment I did not recognize the pained sound that came from my own throat. She shushed me as I clung tightly to her. My face hidden in her chest as I calmed myself down by listening to her beating heart. 

"What happened?" I closed my eyes and sighed, "Nightmare," I muttered. She held me closer, and I leaned more on her than I sat on the bed. "Again?" I nodded against her, and she sighed, "What is bothering you?" I stopped. All my movement stopped, and dread replaced the other emotions in my heart. I dreaded losing her. 

So much that I was even alright with doing what was wrong to keep her. 

She soon picked up my hand and placed it where our babies currently resided inside her. She meant to comfort me, that, I knew but her placing her hand on her womb only reminded me of the situation I had put us in. 

All the root cause of my nightmares peacefully rested in my wife's womb where she nurtured them till, they grew. 

I kept my hand steady where she had placed it, not wanting her to feel like I did not want the babies. But inside, it was really hard, really hard to smile and laugh in her presence. 

Truth was that these kids have thrown me in a pit of well-deserved hell. 

I had begged the higher powers for my sin to not come true. What I did in the heat of the moment-

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