🍁Chapter:18 (Part I)🍁

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🍁Chapter:18 (Part I) 🍁

Maya's Pov

I had never experienced defeat. Winning was in my blood, I needed victory more than I needed anything else. Even love.
I had always been that way, my mother had warned me when she finally realized how stubborn her daughter could get for a simple success. I was possessive, and it ran deep. 

I fought till I forgot everything that stood in between. I defeated anything, anything that I thought could potentially pull me down. When it came to winning, I understood bitterly...I could easily categorize my own parents as enemies.

My enemies needed to be brutally crushed. And I always did crush them, without mercy. I was cut-throat for what I believed in, I had always been that way, and this trait will die with me.

Alas, I had always been too stubborn.

My mother had told me, this stringent attitude would strip me of everything. While she was worried as a mother, I chose to look at her as a weakling. A person too dependent on her man to provide, after all, only weaklings made up excuses of manifestation and fate.

Mother had told me, what you think ultimately comes true. I had scoffed, called it bullshit, and moved on...as the same borderline obsessive Maya Chandra. I was obsessed with my boundaries and paid for it.

Oh, how right my mother was!

I thought it was better to be alone than to change who I am. Good or bad I hated change.

And my thoughts have come true. 

I am alone and unchanged.

I refused to care but it was hard. Sagar... taught me it was okay to not be so upright all the time, that some boundaries could be safely breached. It was okay to not be alone, it was okay to depend upon someone, and I did not need to be strong all alone.

I botched it. 

But, Neeta Puri was simply unlikeable. I hated women like her, women who made their lives revolve around just family. Family should be a priority, not your entire identity. Such women, I loathed, and staying true to my word I showed her.

I was as transparent as I vowed to be in my life. I did not want to be a witch that took her son away, but I could decide who I chose to keep close to in my life.

Call me pretentious but it was a fact. At least I was unambiguous. I did not pretend to like her. I tried to be civil but I had the right to dislike whoever I want to. 

Sagar's mother unfortunately was one of those people I would personally choose to avoid.

My mother had always been a dependent woman. And I ensured I would never turn out to be like her. No matter how hard some decisions would be, I chose my path. And my path was that of a working woman, not a cribbing housewife.

But somehow, my mother proves to be right. My stubborn, strict, unforgiving nature had come to bite me in the ass.

I heard the bell ring and groaned. I needed to be alone with myself in peace. Sagar's sudden departure from my life was making me feel something I hated feeling. I hated feeling suffocated, I hated feeling what I was in his absence. It was stifling and my heart felt heavy, it yearned for him and yet, my mind refused to yield.

I opened the door and was shocked to see her of all people.

I expected Sagar, but clearly, he refused to come to me himself, rather sent his Bhabhi to test the waters. I was annoyed and I did not require her to poke around me and my decision.

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