🍁Chapter:14 (Part I)🍁

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🍁Chapter:14 (Part I) 🍁

Virat kept aside his tenth cigarette of the day, his chest felt heavy with something he could not understand. He had told his friends to send him updates Karan or any Puri brother. He wanted updates on a particular one but he kept his mouth shut when he was bullied for it.

He wanted to know about Aryan. 

Specifically, his wife.

Each day, there was a new update, where Karan could be seen around Isha, flocking around her like a lost bird, Isha's endearing smile only made it worse.

She had moved on.

And Virat could not digest it.

She was happy.

She was happy without him.

It made something in Virat's gut twist painfully. How could she just...forget him? Did he mean that little to her? For a girl who claimed to have loved him, her moving on so fast...Isha indeed was a slut he had thankfully dodged.

But no amount of reassurance could quell the thirst inside of him. Why did she never come looking for him? Not even a call. The number of times he had gloated in front of his friends about Isha's undying love for him had now become embarrassing because clearly she never loved him.

But lately, his addiction to cigarettes was worrisome. He would smoke entire packs in a day and he would just never realize it. At night, he would drop himself drunk out of his wits only for sleep to evade him and Isha's face to appear before him. 

He remembered waking up to a soaking wet pillow the next morning and faintly remembered his dreams of Isha. He cursed her that time but when it continued for several days, he understood the matter was graver than he initially thought.

And seeing her happy beside Aryan...

It was making him drink more than he usually did.

It should have been him, he should have been beside her, he should have been the reason for her smiles, he should have been the one married to her.

And he had blown all that away for a few quick fucks.

He blew everything good for a few moments of ecstasy. He would have been able to get that whilst married to her, get pleasure from others and undivided attention from her. He could have gotten them both and he fucked it up!

She never knew about all the women, he could have fooled her for a few more years. 

Instead, his dumbass decided to run.  

Now he sat drunk and jobless and she was clearly happy and content. Isha was thriving and he was drinking himself to death.

Virat regretted it. He regretted leaving that day and God knows how much he wants to slap some sense into his past self.

Had he known, had he fucking known that day that Aryan had eyes on his girl-

'She was never your girl.' he gulped and took another huge puff of his cigarette. He shook his head but his mind knew the truth. 

'You stole her,' Aryan's love letter came forth, he had read that nameless letter one day when Aryan's bag was open, he had read his admiration for a girl in the library, that girl who stole his breath away whenever she smiled. That soft scent seemed to follow her wherever she went, those luscious black hair flowing ever so softly at a gust of wind.

He had read it all and scoffed. Back then, he was jealous of Aryan. Truth be told, it was annoying how not a single girl ever paid him attention back in college. It was always inquiries about what his best friend preferred in a girl. It rattled him each time some random girl he had a crush on, walked up to him and asked about Aryan.

It was as if Virat was just a sidekick. No one ever came up to him for him. It was always Aryan that, Aryan this.

He felt ignored and while he pretended it never hurt him, it really did. What was so majestic about Aryan?

And his annoyance took to slight hatred when his best friend even caught the eye of the girl who had been on Virat's mind.

It was a sense of victory for him when he found out his best friend finally liked someone. He needed to snatch someone from Aryan just as he kept doing it to him. 

So he took that nameless letter, introduced himself to Isha, and gave her that letter.

Thanks to Aryan's eloquent penmanship, something that could have been borderline creepy from a stranger became romantic. So romantic that Isha agreed to give him a chance. 

To play along for just some days, Virat pretended to be just like Aryan. Slowly those days turned to months and then years and Isha hopelessly fell for him.

'No, Isha fell for a cheap copy of the Aryan you pretended to be.'

And now that victory march has become a pyre.

'She was always his, even after being with you, her love was for him.'

'She would have never looked at you had you not pretended'

'You were and will always be a loser.'

'In the end, Aryan won again.'

Virat closed his eyes just as a message pinged on his phone, it was becoming burdensome to remain stuck up on her but he could not help it. His Isha...left him too.

He numbly read the message and found it ironic when he read who was it from. Why in the world was Aryan's ex texting him at midnight? He replied to her nonetheless and was bombarded with that one question he was trying to escape.

"Yo, who tf did Aryan marry?"

'My Isha,'

He did not bother replying to her. In the end, those who were meant to be had found each other.

He stood from his place and marched his way to a place he knew by heart. Tears welled in his eyes and he had decided already, Aryan could have anyone in this world but Virat only had Isha.

He had to get her back. It was impossible for her to leave him. He would demand her back. She was his and he knew her in more ways than even Aryan did.

It was past midnight but Virat, true to his word, escaped the clutches of his home, determination clear in his eyes.

He wanted her. And Aryan would have to give her back.


Author's Note-

There's gonna be some masala in the next chapter to come. 

Anyways I hope you had fun reading it!

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