🍁Chapter:24 (Part II)🍁

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🍁Chapter:24 (Part II)🍁

Isha's POV

"Bhabhi!" I turned back startled, Sagar jogged up to me and took the bags out of my hand. They were not heavy but everybody in the house has been extremely careful of what I did now.

It was endearing as much as it was frustrating. 

I would turn into a penguin if this continued for the next seven months. 

I stopped at my own words, seven months...had I accepted this already? Had I whole heartedly accepted I was to birth two babies in seven months?

That independent woman that I portrayed I was wept in my heart somewhere. In the office people looked to me as if I had all the answers to their questions, I did sometimes, sometimes just like now...I was lost somehow.

'For Aryan. He loves them,' I chanted this when my heart felt heavy. 

I cannot take away from him his kids. Even if it was my body at the end...how could I do that to him? My heart just did not allow me to even when my mind worked against it. 

'Trust him, it will all work out.' Yes, I do, I trust him more than anybody I know now. He has been the only support I have had for months. He has stayed beside me when I cried, held me when I shivered, kissed away my pain and looked at me as if I was the world.

"How are things with Maya?" I smiled when he swiftly turned his face away, thinking I had no idea he was shy. "She has been...different?"Of course, she was, if one had known Maya Chandra two months ago, they would have never recognized the patience she possessed now. 

She and mummy have been at the very least, patient of each other. Before these two women would not stop taunting each other but now, they discussed politics and Mummy was even willing to teach Maya stuff, Maya too, has been accepting of it. 

Yesterday, I stumbled across a square roti in the casserole, many others had too but before anyone could question it, Mummy spoke silencing everybody, "A roti is a roti no matter the shape. Eat it and appreciate the effort one put in making it."

I saw Maya sweetly throwing a smile at Mummy after that. 

Her patience came with the depth of her love for Sagar. I had bothered Aryan plenty of times to talk to Sagar and counsel him, Sagar's hesitance to defend Maya had been the only thing setting them back alongside Maya's stubbornness.

When they worked on it together, things worked out in the end. 

In the end, I was so happy with how my husband, and I worked together. I could not deny, when we did something together the results came out beautiful.

We were always in sync with our words and actions. And I am so thankful for him. He has shown me that somebody could care for me without ill intentions, he is loving, loyal, capable and so soft. He has shown me a new world. A place I did not need to be punished, talked over and humiliated. 

He has become my safe place.  

With him I felt safe.

And I loved it. 

"Thank you, so much, Bhabhi." Sagar's words snapped me out of the daydreaming I had recently developed for Aryan, I blushed lightly, I have become so sappy these days it was almost embarrassing.

I watched my brother-in-law closely and noticed his red eyes, "I merely did what any elder would do." He shook his head, "Not every elder is as mature as you, Bhabhi." I sighed,

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