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*Sorry for the many POV changes this chapter :))*


Isha's Pov

I removed the soap gently from my shoulder. The foam fell apart just as easily as my self-control at confronting Virat. I did it again, despite knowing Aryan did not deserve it, despite knowing it would give me nothing but regrets.

I don't regret sleeping with Aryan, I regret using him.

I regret giving in to temptation. I regret my coping mechanism. I regret that my coping mechanism is straight-up avoidance. I run, like a fucking coward, I run.

My hand came to caress away the blotchy skin of my neck as I hissed. I remember Aryan's teeth pulling at my flesh while his tongue ran to soothe my pain. The memory of us slotted together, moving in tangent: our moans, his dilated eyes as he stared into my soul. I shook myself out of that loop before I dwelled deeper into it.

I stared at the loofa in my hand and then remembered the sheer strength he had gripped them. I gasped and closed my eyes, his hands were so beautiful when he ran them along the length of my back. These same hands that caressed me softly were responsible for manhandling me at the will of their master. 

They were light when he wanted them to dance along my skin and fierce when he wanted me to bend at his will as he pulled the pleasure from our connected bodies.

I blushed, Aryan was...godly when he lost his carefully mastered control. For such a gentleman to be so feral in pleasure was a surprise I did not see coming. His athletic physique only made him look broader when he towered over me in bed.

I shook my head again and poured cold water on my head. 

'Calm down--' I heaved in a deep breath. It was time to move on and no matter how much it pained me to see Virat. It was necessary for me to see he was not the man I fell in love with. He did not care about me, he saw me as property, even though it was he who left...according to him Aryan 'snatched me' and I betrayed him.

He was a damn delusional bitch who did not deserve to stay on my mind as long as he had. I have to leave him in the past. I have to accept Aryan even if moving on quickly is challenging.

🍁Karan's Pov🍁

I miss shitface. That damn raccoon of a sister, I feel mildly confused, is raccoon a better fit for her or should I call her a rat?

Anyways, I miss that raccoon rat.

I picked up my phone to call her but just then, the eighth wonder of the world came before me. My eyes widened before they fell off from their sockets--well, nearly. But still! How the fuckity fuck is this possible????!!!

My jaw dropped like the apple on Newton as I stared ahead in front of me. The room was silent--I mean it! The mother who kept banging utensils angrily in the morning was suddenly quiet, and our father who was loudly clearing his throat in the washroom was now quiet. Sagar who was moping around the house stood as still as a damn statue and while looking at them stunned, I finally heaved a sigh of relief.

At least I wasn't the only one losing my mind, if anything now we could all be together in the mental asylum if it came to that.

The eighth wonder of the world just rolled his eyes at us and walked towards the front door. My breathing quickened and I shrieked before I could control it. His head snapped back to stare at the horror in my eyes, he was confused but so was I. He narrowed his eyes and I gave him the finger with a shaky smile on my face, his face twisted and he finally went out.

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