🍁Chapter:15(Part I)🍁

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🍁Chapter:15 (Part I)🍁

Maya's POV

The strange woman gathered me in her arms for what felt like hours, from where we sat she was directly under the onslaught of the pouring rain, I felt her getting drenched more than I currently was and my mind raced just as I calmed a little.

I had lost all hope when it came to that family. Whoever talked to me only ever talked with a hidden meaning in their words, each one, even their youngest was told to avoid me at all costs. While Sagar tried to fight for me, he never truly believed in his cause. His fights were always soft, never to be taken seriously.

While I did what my parents had always taught me to do, I sometimes found it impossible to preserve my honor with these people. They always came in a pack and where my attention would be on one wolf, the other would take a chunk out of my leg.

It was impossible to reason with people who weren't ready to listen. So after trying enough times, I stopped.

And the hatred was returned two folds.

I genuinely casted doubt upon my parents' teaching, all it had done was make it even more hellish for me...was my honor even worth so much hatred? But the selfish woman inside of me told me yet again, my self-respect was more significant than anyone, even the person I could die for.

While life without Sagar would take away my soul, living with his family and being hated my whole life for being who I am, would ultimately kill the person that I am today.

I don't know how far I could row a sinking boat.

The lady caressed my face and pushed the wet hair from where they were obstructing my view of her, what did she have that I didn't? Maybe it was the fact she was submissive. The Puri family did not need a person with thoughts and the ability to speak inside their home, they needed a puppet that could never bark back. And their new puppet was Isha.

I scoffed in my head and remained silent. It was because of women like her that families yet still treated women like trash.

Such women who could never fight for their selves. I could not fathom living like that.

I pushed myself away from her slowly, whatever and whoever she was as a person did not concern me, her comfort was nice and that is what mattered to me at this hour.

When I stared at her again, she gave me a sad smile....it was stifling. That smile conveyed to me her own sorrow, I cursed at that brain-dead lady Voldermort in my head, Neeta Puri was a horrible person. If Voldermort had a daughter she would be just like her.

"Come, let's go home" My head swirled at that word but I complied, I gave no fucks about that woman but I cared enough about my safety, staying out on the streets was a big No, I would leave first thing in the morning...but even if I had to sleep on the porch, I sadly would.

"Come on," she stood up with me still in her grasp, I then realized how cold her skin was to touch. How long was she out in the rain? It didn't matter but I felt a sliver of guilt at that.

No one other than Sagar would have ever done that. Sagar...I had...broken up with Sagar. I stopped cold in my steps, how could I re-enter the house when my engagement ring remained in his hands?

The realization had dread settle deep within my chest. An unwanted sob rattled my body, the woman stopped beside me as well, she once again gripped me by the shoulders and spoke in the calmest voice I had ever heard, "Sagar is waiting for you, and even if he isn't I won't let any of them hurt you."

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