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Sorry for the many PoVs this chapter 🥲


Aryan's Pov

Locking myself in the bathroom was the easiest way to deal with my emotions. Isha's words for the first time...overshadowed my previous thoughts of Seema. It was infuriating because it was working. I knew what I said back to her must've hurt, but, this time I could care less about someone else. 

You know she was right.

I splashed water on my burning face just as that thought occurred. No, she was not. It was wrong of her to assume I'd want the same thing. 

Was she?

It was but a fleeting crush. 

Not as fleeting if it remained on your mind to date.

I looked up at the mirror, right at myself, the reflection taunted me back as if challenging me to betray my thoughts. One would assume I had my shit together all the time. As of yet, I was a flick away from losing control. What Isha suggested enraged me, but what my subconscious hinted was adding fuel to the fire.

Accept it.

No. I challenged my mind. I refuse to yield in front of what I know would take me down to hell. If I agreed to Isha, it would end any chance of-. I shook my head and washed my face. It would be Isha's decision, if she wants a divorce, a divorce it shall be.

I took away her choice, and in the heat of that moment, I never realized how faulty of a decision it was. I married her to protect her from a man much older, in turn, I forced her to take my hand and accept me. Someone who was nothing but a stranger.

You didn't just want to protect her. You wanted her.

I gulped and closed my eyes. Years back before Virat met Isha, I had laid my eyes on her from afar, just fleetingly she was attractive to my young soul. It was right after my accident and the trauma was still quite fresh in my brain, my arm was badly scarred, and overall...I was a moody teen going through life.

It was no wonder the young me, who was battling one of the saddest moments in my life, fell for that one girl who always, always smiled.

In those days Isha's presence was a soothing balm to my soul. Wherever she went, she smiled. Whatever she did, it was never dull. I just saw her on occasion in the huge library on our campus. I never approached her, I just admired her from afar. And slowly my days and nights were filled with her thoughts. It was Isha's brightness that pulled me out of a lot of bad days.

I did not even know her name and then one day, my best friend told me he loved someone. It was my final year of college when Virat introduced Isha. It hadn't broken me that time because I was convinced my feelings would never be more than a simple crush...but I was lying to myself. Isha's bright eyes were ingrained in my thoughts and each thought induced an ache in my heart.

But I knew Isha was happy with Virat. And from what he showed me, Virat loved her just as much. Just as the years passed and my feelings for Isha dulled, I found someone whose smile reminded me of a person I left in the past. That same smile became the reason I did not hesitate to make a move at that time. I was immature and whatever crumbs Seema threw me seemed enough.

And I paid for that dearly when I fell in love and she left me.

I looked for Isha in Seema and that was my biggest mistake.

So when finally you had the chance...

No. My feelings for Isha are long gone, what remains is respect and admiration for the strong girl I once knew. I have known Isha and I also know if anyone can bounce back stronger than before, it is her. I respect her for her strength. But apologizing wasn't something I would be doing this time. I knew what was in my heart better than Isha, I knew better than her what I needed. I would not commit a mistake yet again.

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