District 12

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The closer we got to 12 the more skulls I saw, the more bodies I saw in different types of decomposition.

There were a couple even in death I recognized, one being Fae, one of the head vendors from the hob.

She looked fresh.

" I think I'm going to.." I couldn't finish my sentence before I lean on a tree emptying my guts.

" Maybe we should-" Gale said sounding nervous.

" She's fine." Evangeline snaps. He sighs looking at me, I wave him away.

It was Smokey as we walked further, I realized it wasn't what we were breathing in..but who.

I didn't have anything else to throw up, to help some of the nauseousness to put my shirt over my nose and mouth. It was stuffy, but better them breathing in an array of people's ashes.

" How is everyone doing?" Boggs inquires through the radio.

" Good down here." Evangeline answers for us.

I send her a look. " Come on." She urges.

She walks faster, me and Gale follow. I see she nears to where our Justice building was. The rubble was everywhere. Even she stops looking around.

" What-" I stop. It was a graveyard. Gale even looks around lost. He stoops to his knees breathing heavily.

The people were so scared they didn't have the sense to run, but to gather here only to be slaughtered? IT seemed like hundreds of thousands all piled right in the center of the district.

Wild animals are now all around having a feat of whoever they choose. I let out something between a sob and a gasp as I look around.

" I should've grabbed more people, more children, forced them to come with." Gale whispers slowly.

" You saved 800. That's a lot Hawthorne. We could've had none. District 12 would've been only a distant memory." Evangeline says. She swallows hard looking around before her dark eyes were on me.

" Octavia.."

I do my best not to cry. I did this, I killed all these people, and she's just showing me the fact I did. "This is a really screwed up plan." I hiss.

" I'm not showing you this to make you upset."

" Then why?! I know, I killed them all because I couldn't-"

She takes steps towards me," I'm showing your this, without your help more people, more districts will end up like us, ok? I don't want that. I know you don't either."

I was about to say something when Boggs came through our ear pieces again. " Come back, there's a aircraft heading towards us about 100 miles."

" Come on." Gale says standing, blocking out the dead as he stares at us. " We're on our way." He calls to Boggs.

I take in the district one more time, my home. It wasn't much but through the hunger, the games, coming back, convincing everyone, going back..

It was still home and I loved it.

" Let's go." Evangeline pulls.

We ran to the meadow where out hovercraft was, we ran up the ramp and we were off.

" See what you needed to?" Boggs asked.

I stare at my folded hands. " Yea."

I saw what I did.

I saw what Snow warned me about when he came to visit me. Maybe he wasn't just trying to scare me, but warn me even. Panem is a cold country, they needed our coal to keep their pristine houses warm.

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