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Octavia POV

Since the bombing on 13, I've been thinking of the conversation with Cato.

I still don't know what this feeling even is that I have for him. I care about him, he's to good or this world- I know he's to good for me.

I don't deserve his friendship even, let alone all that he's done since then.

I've been waiting to tell him how I feel, to apologize for everything. The games, dragging him into this spiral since I pulled out those knives, having to force him into all the stuff Snow made us do, the second games, getting captured.

Apologize for him not killing me, I should've taken my own life. He'd be upset but I know he would've moved on.

I just want to see him, and we can go for there.

I have him back, Cal is back!

By the time I got to his room, he was awake. 3 nurses were tending to him, talking blood, vitals, small flashlights checking his eyes, they took his blood pressure, plus whatever else they were doing.

He was really here, right infront of me. I noticed they buzzed off his bright blonde curly hair, all there's left is just stubble of new hair coming in.

" Cal?" I whisper. He was still turned away from me, but as soon as he heard my voice he straightened. Like in slow motion he turned.

He looked like a zombie, his skin was more purple then the normal tan he had, his eyes were red, his brown Iris's popping.

His face was straight, just staring at me with a blank expression.

I take a small step plastering a small smile to hide my pity. " Hi." I managed to get out.

Without a word he stands coming over to me, maybe he's at a lost for words. He was right infront of me still doing nothing- just staring. I embraced him carefully making sure not to hurt him, he smelled sterile like when we found Koa. Once he takes a shower and get fed he'll get back to normal in no time.

His arms slowly drag up, the grip he had was iron tight, before i knew what even happened he flipped me over, his hand gripping onto my neck with such animalistic force. Right on my windpipe.

I try to scream, pull away,do something, it was no use. The nurses screeched running out trying to find someone, Cal pushed down even harder still never saying a word.

But his eyes said it all, they had no ounce of humanity in them. It was like the mutts- just existing for killing, no feeling in them whatsoever.

" Callahan!" I hear a man yell, I think it was Boggs. He tried pulling Cal off but his grip was so tight he lifted me up to.

Another guy runs in the room from the corner of my eye, " Get off of her!" Gale. He takes Cal trying to pry him off of me. Still no use.

Somehow Cal manages to get out of their grip smashing me into the glass window. He let's go for just a seconds to grab a big piece of glass about to stab it through my throat.

This is how I'm going to die.

Gale was faster, he had his gun pulled hitting him with the stock. Knocking him out cold.

His unconscious body landed on top of me while I fluttered my eyes close.


Cato POV

She's still not awake.

It's been 3 days.

Everyone else is awake why isn't she?

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