You don't understand

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Octavia POV

I could hear what they were saying.

I could feel the cold collar on me. It was suppose to help with the inflammation of my vocal cords. They talked about how my condition wasn't getting much better, I might not be able to speak clearly.

Callahan did a good one on me.

They were trying to keep my under to keep me from seeing Cal. I couldn't open my eyes but I could hear and remember just fine. He wasn't doing good, they didn't know what to do with him, that's why I was trying so desperately to claw myself out of this.

My eyes fluttered, the bright lights burned my eyes greatly. I refused to close my eyes for any longer, fearing I'll be back in the blackness of the void mind I have.

"Good to have you back in the land of the living."

I jump momentarily moving my stiff neck to the left to see Evangeline and Enobaria sitting in chairs looking at me. I didn't even want to know how long I was out, Enobaria's stomach grew drastically.

I tried to ask, but it came out as a hoarse whistle, it stung.

" At least she can make sound." Baria chuckles, If I was any stronger I would've thrown something at her.

" Can you sit up?" Evangeline asks.

" S-s- Ore.Ore." I squeak.

" I bet she's stiff, they've had her in a coma for the past week. They didn't bother moving you at all." Baria mentions. She stands, "Come on."

She pulls me into a sitting position, propping me up with pillows. I'm not sure she should even be doing this in her condition.

" Let's take this off." Evangeline tugs on the ice collar making me groan in dull pain. " Sorry." She mutters. " We need to get you up. I'm sick of them picking at him like a damn animal. Now they have Kaylaya in there."

My mind panicked when I thought of her and Cal in the same room together, she probably still wants to kill him.

He was there when Brutus got killed. I remember Cato said she lost her memories, how much does she know now? Did he reintroduce why she hates us?

She's the kind that likes to get even. Enobaria must've seen my fear, she smiles. " She likes Cal now. She doesn't remember how she originaly knows you two."

This made me feel a little better, not much.

" Try to say your name." Evangeline pushes.

" Octavia." I say, though it was severely raspy.

" Say it again." She urges.

So I did. She looks at Enobaria, " Can you understand her?"

" Enough, can you?"

Evie nods, " You should be fine."

" Where we going?" I rasp.

" I just need you to see him."

I halt my body to a stop, I remember everything.

How his sweet kind eyes changed, ones that weren't his own. Ones that held hate and malice, not the ones that liked the soft colors of the sunset.

His carefree spirit is replaced with something else.

I refused to walk, shaking my head. Enobaria comes from the side of me. " We're behind glass. He won't see you. Your safe."

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