Running out

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Octavia POV

I went to shoot my bow more since the fight with Gale. I was still infuriated he didn't tell me. I thought he'd maybe have my back more considering our history.

I even helped him at the whipping post when Prompt almost killed him.

I just thought he'd look out for me more, I guess not.

I was found by Evangeline later on, Plutarch wanted to tell me something. We went to his wing, there was a little area people could converse peacefully. He was there with Flavia.

Once he saw me, his smile grew. " Look at our star! Sit please."

" What now?" I ask still with an edge.

Evangeline eyes me but doesn't say anything, she didn't look happy either when she came and got me, we didn't even talk on the way down here.

" I just needed to tell you, we won over two more districts. 3 and 11, all people ran. the Capitol has no control over them anymore."

My eyebrows shoot up in surprise, " Oh, that's great news. Where is the Capitol getting their food from?"

Evangeline rolls her eyes, " They can go comfortably for awhile yet, since they have so much."

Plutarch tilts his head from side to side, " That might be true, but it won't last forever. Our people and troops will now be stronger getting the food from 11. Some proper nutrition."

" So no more outmeal and water for breakfast?" I ask.

This makes him smile even more, " Now we'll have oatmeal with fruit and water."

I think it was sort of a joke, better then nothing I suppose.

Flavia folds her hands on the table, " We also wanted to tell you, We'll have the first round of tribute propos aired by tonight. Finnick and River are doing a wonderful job!"

Finnick knew a lot of them. He got around enough to get to know everyone very well.

" They're almost painful to watch." Flavia sighs trying to look sad, I eye her and her wretched attempt.

My annoyance only grew as they all talked, still none mentioned anything about Cal. I wanted to yell at them but I held myself back.

I thought this wasn't the time with the good news.

I occupy my eyes, twilirling around a strand of my hair around my finger, " I think then I should get a schedule of all propos airing, so we don't miss any of them." I give the faintest smile.

They all seem to stop eyeing me, I look from my hair looking around at them, still no one comments.



Callahan POV

I wince as the Avoxes get me ready. My head feels like it's going to explode, my body is bascially purple, it hurts to breathe. I swore I heard a crack this morning when they kicked me repeatedly.

They needed to give me some kind of nerve block so I stopped passing our from the pain.

You'd think if I knew anything I'd tell them already!

The girl from 2 seems to know enough and yet she sits unharmed. No, it's not her fault, she's a favored district they can't hurt her.

The repeated phrase catches in my head, no it's not real, but I feel relief once I repeat it. No, stop it.

I yell out. With a tug they did my belt, the young boy gasps looking at me, his eyes wide. " Sorry." I apologized.

The suits get smaller and smaller, I get smaller. I can know see my ribs in the full length mirror.

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