Turning point

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Cato POV

Callahan was right, I truly don't think we can trust them. I have no idea what their agenda could even be, and I have very little selection of people to talk to about this.

Octavia was inspecting her bow, deep in thought when I found her in the same training room as the day before. She was upset at the condition of her partner, all I wanted was to see Kay I swear if they touched her.

" I need to get out of here." She breathes, " I need to hunt."

I could use some fresh air to think.

" We can ask." I suggest going to the door.

She nods, she had her bow - I don't hunt so I went just to get out. I found Boggs talking to another guard, both stayed quiet as I came closer.

He agreed to let us hunt for 2 hours sharp.

We get a ways into the woods before she decides to talk. " They didn't say one thing."

I cock my brow, " Yea, I suspected they wouldn't." I tilt my head to the side, " Gale didn't even say anything to you?"

She shakes her head, " No, I haven't seen him since we got off the Hovercraft." She mumbles. Her face hardens as we sits down leaning on a old log.

I sit also, it was really quiet out here. I still don't like the woods, to many memories with my arena that looks just like this one.

We sat in silence for so long, a buck fawn crept in eating. I leaned forward watching it, it looked at us for a breif moment before it went back to eating.

" It's not scared of us." I say in amazement.

Octavia pulls her bow, " We minus well bring something back."

I hold my hand out to stop her, " No. Leave it."

She observed me with a surprised expression, I furrow my brows, " What?"

" Nothing, I thought-"

" You thought I liked killing?" I answer for her.

Her expression held a kind of guilt," You guys always seem eager."

I shrug, " We are, until you win. Then it's like a whole different world, but it's the reason the Capitol likes us."

She hums in response taking in the information, I look at the time, " We should get back."

She sighs still looking at the fawn that was chewing the shrubs looking curiously at us, " Yea, I suppose." She stands slinging her bow over her shoulder.

We walk a little bit, " Do you think we're the only ones that saw it?" She asks.

I snort, " Do you honestly believe that?"

She kicks at some dirt, " No. Did anyone mention anything to you?"

" No, but I don't think they would."

" Why?"

I chuckle, when she talks she reminds me of a small kid, always asking questions timidly. Ones I feel like would be common sense. " Because, it wasn't Kay. I'm sure my district will say something eventually."

" Do you think Gale and Evangeline saw it?" She asks again.

She was asking me if I think they're keeping from her.

" It would've been hard to miss." I add. " But, maybe their waiting for a good time to tell you. I don't know."

" Do you believe that?" She asks countering my remark, just like Kaylaya would.

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