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Cato POV

" Are you sure River won't be mad that we're in a room together?" She asks nervously.

This sends me annoyance. " Why would it be an issue?" I ask.

" He just seemed mad."

I rolled my eyes as I opened my door, " It's helping you. He shouldn't care, I'm safe to be around Musak."

" No, I know."

I go put on the tape, when she's looking around distracted I make sure to lock the door. No River's are getting in here.

" Do you want something to drink or food or.." I trail off.

" No, I should be good. Thank you." She smiles.

I was still adjusting to this new attitude she had, Old Kay was witty this one reminds me of Macy.

She sits on the foot of my bed looking at the screen, she looked nervous but I didn't want to comment on it. I pull a chair from the corner of the room.

" Oh, you can have-"

" Sit down Kay." I look over at her with a reassuring smile.

She blinks a couple times sitting back down.

" You know..I don't think you were ever this polite before." I mention.

" I was rude?"

I shake my head, " No. Your were extremely witty."

" So I was an asshole?" She smiles.

" No, I liked fighting with you."

She smiled looking down at her hands before a frown appears, " Sorry, I'm not like how I was."

" That's not why I said it. I like polite Kay to."

" You do? You'd still want to be friends even if I wasn't the same?"

I look over at her, she was serious. " We'd stay with you no matter what."

" We?" She asks.

I meant me, But instead I said. " Our district. Me, Pri, Vad, Macy and Baria. We're 2, and 2 always sticks together."

She nods, " Two always sticks together." She recites in a whisper.

I smile at her little whisper but snap myself out of it. " So.. It's going to start at the Reaping."

" And sorry.. What is that again?"

Right.. start from the way beginning.

" It's a time where the whole district gathers in the town square to select a tribute for the Hunger Games. We're a career district so we pick out our own kids to volunteer. Only the best go in the games."

" What do you do in the Hunger Games?"

I lean back in my chair. " Before I tell you, I need to to promise me something ok?"

She nods.

" If you feel uncomfortable, or scared, or anything you need to tell me ok? Even if I'm just explaining. Ok?"

She nods again.

" I want to hear you say it."

" I will."

I sigh, " So, That's the main reason for this Revolution. The Hunger Games are barbaric." She turns her body to look fully at me.

I look down at my hands, " They take 2 tributes, male and female from each district to fight to the death."

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