The Snare

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Our next location was close to my old house, I don't know exactly who it was though they looked familiar.

They had a smaller 2 story house, they're whole upstairs was dedicated to rooms for sleeping. Like a small hotel, was this just for the rebels?

Us girls all get rooms next to eachother, 2 people per room. Macy said she's staying with Priya tonight, none of us are happy with Vad or Cato.

" How could he agree to that?" Priya scoffs in disbelief. " We're killing our own, 2 sticks together."

" Apparently that doesn't count when we're at war."

Macy stays silent picking at the worn blanket, " Vad has been talking to Hawthorne a lot more. starting to think just like him."

Cato doesn't have an excuse. But he always has a reason.

" I don't like that Hawthorne." Priya mutters again. " All he wants is just to get even."

I furrow my brow, " What do you mean?"

" His little girlfriend was in Cato's game, the ones that failed at that stupid lovers bit. The girl who also killed the careers."

I open my mouth a bit, " That was his girlfriend, the one Cato killed?"

She nods. " Why he doesn't like us."

" Does Cato know?"

She nods again, " Yea, he found out not to long ago."

" That's why he's backed off a little bit."

She half shrugs, " Maybe."

I run my tongue over my teeth, " This is all just so much. So much killing and for what?"

" They're giving a warning. Hopefully most of the people will come out." Macy adds.

I smile, " We're 2... You think they're going to give in that easily?"

She sighs, " Some will come."

An older lady knocks on the door-her name was Doris- super sweet. She's the one who's letting us stay. " Dinner is ready." She smiles sweetly.

We all stand following her to the kitchen having some hearty stew, which tasted better then any Capitol food at the moment, the stuff in 13 all tasted the same. I didn't eat much, my stomach didn't allow me. Doris noticed but didn't say anything.

We helped clean the dishes and the house, it was the most we could do for letting us stay here. If I had anything else to give her I would. Housing Mockingjays are dangerous these days.

We got sent up right after, it was to risky to stay down for long periods of time. Just in case a loyalist would see us.

Our small rooms had no windows, just the yellow shine from the single lamps.

We went back to the girl's room to talk a little more before we went to bed, " Does this place feel like home anymore?" Priya asks.

Macy shakes her head, " No, maybe once we come back again it will. After all of this."

" It's weird I can't even think of this place without the games?" I pipe in, " I mean... It seems like I since I walked up on that stage I've been living and breathing the games. And if we win this.. what even is 2? No more training, all these kids will just"

Maybe things wouldn't be to different, only 2 kids out of a class of maybe 50 in each age group makes it to tribute, only one made it to victor depending on the year. The other 48 needed to get other jobs, even so most were still combat related.

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