Where your loyalities lie..

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Kaylaya POV

I remember waking up the day after Snow announced the victors were going back in the arena. Cato by my side when we found out his plan.

Now, here I am. In the same room as that day, even the same chair. The only difference, they look dangerously pissed.

The..whoever that women was that brought me here looked terrified for me, all she did was drop me off. What the hell do they have planned?

I didn't know what was safer, looking around or just looking at the three Snow's at the head of the table. I opted for just looking at the Snow's.

They all sit, perfectly uniform. Hands folded, not slack but not iron tight, their faces all screwed in suspicious expressions. All their eyes now held resentment I didn't want to feel the wrath of.

While I was looking between them, President Snow caught my eye leaning forward with a menacing grin, though it was directed at all of us. " I will admit, that was the most entertaining finale the Games have ever had. I applaud you all, really."

We all stay quiet.

" It was part of a rebel attack. They took the remaining tributes..but I'm sure some of you knew that already." That's when his voice turned to ice.

So, that was planned?

I couldn't figure out why 4,7, Chaff would ally with 12. We all knew they were the reason we were there, I thought about it almost every night. I couldn't find a better solution then having the satisfaction of killing them for themselves.

But, it was quickly proved wrong when they defended them so viciously. I never thought this would be a possible outcome. Ever.

I run my hand over my mouth, now it all makes sense. It made perfect sense! Why River wanted to be by the girl, or I guess make an excuse to talk to her, why everyone was so-interested- in her.

Why so many came after us at first in the bloodbath.

They wanted to really see who they were going to die for.

" Do you know something Ms.Musak?" Snow asks.
I snap my head up looking at him. " No."

" Your face said otherwise." He counters.

I swallow, no point hiding the truth or saying something different. " It ran over and over in my mind..why 12 was so looked after, why so many tributes came after us careers, why 4 broke the alliance, why they had so many allies... I never considere this."

Snow smiles in tight amusement, " I'll admit, they played it all to well. Finnick Odair confirmed 4's involvement."

When did he see Finnick?

They must've saw my confusion. " You do recall what happened?" Celeste asked, glancing at me then at her relatives.

I sit back trying to think, I really don't remember. I know the forcefield went out, I know I'm here. I know I shouldn't be.

I slowly look up, I shake my head. " No."

Snow lifted his brow, " No...I suppose, you did lose a lot of blood when River Odair pushed you down on that rock."

I suck in my cheek, why doesn't that surprise me?

Snoe takes his eyes off of me for the first time looking at the other victors beside me. I momentarily forgot they were even there, I couldn't hear a breath come from their lips. " Ms.Mason, Mr.Conely.. You recalled what happened?"

" I just know this bitch shot me." Johanna says sourly mentioning to me. I roll my eyes looking at her hard glare.

" I just remember looking for Johanna and Octavia." Callahan says. " And fighting her."

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