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He knows everything about me.

" I know nothing about you." I say quietly looking at him.

" You used to." He admitted. " You knew me better then I knew myself."

" How?"

" You always knew what to say, you knew how I operated. You knew what I needed to hear or do."

I take a deep breath, " Can I go now?"

He sets his mouth in a hard line, pulling out his radio. " Where's River?"

I stare at him, why does that matter?

" Your not getting any more hits on him Hadley. He'll be staying in the Hospital wing tonight. He hit his head on the way down." Gale informs, I low his voice.

" Fine." He sighs.

" That was going to decide on your answer?" I scoff.

" He's hurt you before. Not taking any chances." Cato informs.

I squint my eyes, " I think I could take him down."

" Depends on how mad he'd be, and he was pissed."

" He's hurt me before?" I clarify.

" Yea. It's on the tapes if you wanna watch why he did-"

" I'm done watching those tapes." I spit.

" The tapes are telling you who you used to be Kay." Priya finally pipes up, she's been quiet since this all. " Trust me, I think me and Cato would rather tell you everything then sit here and watch it."

I finally stand, " Well, I'm done watching them right now. I'm going to work out."

Cato stands to getting away from the door not saying a word. Priya just looks between the two of us, I give him one final look walking out.

I shake my head to myself, what else do they know? What else could they possibly be keeping from me?

Everything just felt.. boggled.

I believe I probably did know Cato well, I can feel it now.

Priya looked stressed, I see both can't stand when I'm mad at them.

I just don't know what to think.

They explained the mind melting to me, I know it can be some serious stuff. It is serious. Maybe I should understand why they did what they did.

Maybe understand why they didn't tell me.

Was that why Cato came to River's room, why they needed to talk out in the hall? Why River acted the way he did after?

The more I think about it the less irradiated I get. but I still was with River, I still did that to Aspen.

I remember where the combat rooms were, I just need to release some steam. I wrap my hands going to one of the punching bags.

My body automatically goes into formation as I punch, my body knows from muscle memory.

As soon a that punch his the bag, it felt good.

This room reminded me of something, a place I've been before. I wish I had that stupid notepad.

I'll remember to ask Cato.

I'm not happy with either of them at the moment but I suppose I understand. I just need time to cool off.

I go back to my room, take a shower then come back in to watch some TV. Realizing the tape was still on, it's not a real tape, it's a channel. A custom broadcast.

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