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Cato POV

The first thing I feel is the ache in my shoulder before anything else comes too.

I snap my eyes open trying to bolt out of the bed. Tried.

I was tied to the railing of the bed, courtesy of my dad. His special knot, I can get any other knot undone..never his.

I glare at it before Baria's chuckle filled the room, " I thought I'd need to get a nurse."

My eyes shift to her. " Your lucky your pregnant."

She straightens, " No, your lucky I'm pregnant."

I pull at the restraints, " Hawthorne is really asking for it." I mumble.

Who the hell has sedatives on them 24/7?

I eye her distastefully, " You could've told me they were going to sedate me."

She smiles, " I could've, But I'm glad I didn't."

" They left already, didn't they?"

She nods, " They did. We need your help here."

I lift my brow, " What? What could I do here that would be more important then getting my girlfriend?"

" Part of Zane's plan. We need a distraction, Octavia and the Odairs are part of it too."

" Not Priya or the other 2?"

Baria shifts, I'm not going to like this will I?

" Only Macy is here and she's helping in Command with Beetee and his team."

Her face was telling me exactly what I was thinking, my mind races back to 8. If Priya gets scared enough she'll freeze. It'll get her killed, worse yet confined.

Baria frowns, " Baria, I swear-" I begin leaning my head back, I needed to close my eyes. Try to breathe if I want to get out of this bed. " Why would you let her go!"

" She didn't give us much of a choice, she's been working hard Hadley, she can do it. I'm confident in her skills."

" What if she freezes again?"

" She won't." Baria urges. " They're already on their way Cato, we need to distract the Capitol. Give them something they can't t take their eyes off of, If we want this to work... You need to behave. If I undo these knots you will?"

I fling my head back, " Yup."

" I'm serious Cato. No outbursts, hitting, fighting sarcasm.."

" I'm serious too, just tell me what I need to do."

She sighs undoing the knot my dad must've taught her to untie, I watch carefully so maybe I'd figure it out this time, I didn't.

" Who else went?" I ask.

She thinks for a moment, " Zane, Gale, Boggs, Priya, Evangeline and Vad."

It was a good team I'd admit, they should get the job done. Still all to important to be killed or taken captive of.

" What's the plan?" I ask again, the nerves slowly rising.

" Beetee will explain more if we can actually get down there." She remarked " Time is not on our side right now."I roll my eyes " Lead the way then."following her to one of the command rooms.

Everyone was there already, Beetee was with his team in the corner. There was a cam on the screen of the team. Good, they have cameras. I can see exactly what Priya is seeing.

Monitors were all over the place, outlines and Blueprints of the Capitol and their buildings, oxygen levels, radius of different things.

They had everything and anything up.

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