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Priya lead me to her room, I was shaking with pure excitement. I've waited a month. A whole month without her.

Nurses were swarming, hooking her up to machines, taking her vitals, everything.

By the time we got through the door they were just finishing up, She laid there unconscious. Her silky red hair was dull and frizzy, her flawless skin was dull of life, her skin was a slight yellow color, I saw that had bruise on her right arm it took up the whole section of her arm.

What did they do to her?

" When you you think she's going to wake up?" I ask one of the last nurses. She stops skimming over her, " We don't know. They used a lot of heavy drugs on her, maybe a couple hours or a day."

I nod a' Thanks' before she left.

It was just as 3 now.

" Hey beautiful." I whisper pulling a seat next to her.

Priya was looking at Kay with a small smile before it faded into a frown, I saw her blink faster- like she was blinking tears away- her breathing became a little heavier.

" What?" I ask turning all my attention to Pri.

She slowly foes into her pocket, pulling out the necklace. Kay's necklace we got her for her birthday.

Me, Brutus and Enobaria.

I grab it quickly inspecting it, it had a little blood on it. I dropped the sword just hanging onto the chain. Was it Brutus's blood?

I didn't want to keep who's it was.

" She kept it?" I asked.

Priya slides her fingers over her other hand, I thought she didn't hear me. Until I saw that tear drop.

" Priya." I say again, what wasn't she telling me?

She wipes off her face, " I suck at this soldier thing. I don't think I can do it anymore."

I laugh lightly, " No, it just takes some getting used to. You kind got thrown into it." I eye the necklace, " I'm surprised they let her keep it."

" They didn't." Pri breathed.

I run the chain through my fingers carefully." How did you find it then?"

She pressed her lips in a hard line, " Umm.. Neffy." She sputtered.

Neffy? Neffy is here to?!

My eyes widened, " Shit, she's here to?!"

She shakes her head, another tear slips out. My smile fades, " They left her there again."

" No." She chokes, " She bought us more time. They found out, Boggs called a Code red, we wouldn't have made it Cato. She-" She stops taking uneven breaths.

My mouth parts just a little bit, The guilt clawed it's way back into me. I could never tell her sorry, or how much I really appreciated her. " She's dead, isn't she?"

Priya nods, " I'm so sorry Cato."

A breath escaped, She's dead. Really dead this time.

" I was supposed to tell you sorry from her." She says again.

I look down at Kay, " Does she know?"

Priya also look down, " No."

I close my eyes momentarily, She's going to be absolutely devastated.

" Did they shoot her?"

" I gave her my nightlock pill, I didn't want her to suffer when they found her, I'm so sorry I killed her..."

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